
What is the bes quality Laptop?

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Cuz I have a Toshiba Laptop that has Windows Vista on it and right now it's off at the Toshiba company getting a new hardrive, I hate Windows Vista and I want a laptop that has Windows XP, and is cheap.

What is the BEST quality...I know all of them aren't cheap, and I might get a desktop if none of them are good for gaming(I'm a huge gamer...Sims 2, WoW, etc..)

I'm 13 years old so thats why I need it cheap cuz my moms paying for the repairs on my cpu and will be buying me a new cpu.




  1. The best type of computers for games are desktops, laptops aren't used that much for intense gaming. Try either HP or ASUS, they have some high quality computers!!!

  2. Dell is ALso Good U Guy Can USe IT SAfely ANd Enjoy It More  

  3. You can't get a laptop with Windows XP anymore.  XP is an outdated operating system and is no longer offered by any companies.

    Dell XPS is good for gaming and is a good laptop in general.  Get used to Vista though, it comes on it, and Vista is the operating system of today ... eventually you will need to learn to use it.

  4. jus try compaq or dell...My suggestion Dell is the better one

  5. I would say dell is pretty good..but dont ever get an hp laptop.. i used to have one and they arent good for gaming at all. After a year it totally stopped working. Same thing happened with a friends too. After a year it stopped working. We sent the computers to hp 3 times to get fixed but after they sent it back the computers only lasted 2 days. It took 10 minutes to turn on.  I think Apple laptops are the best but they are kind of pricy..

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