
What is the best, affordable cricket bat that i should get?

by  |  earlier

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less than £70




  1. u need to go to india....

    u get the cheapest and the best bats from there

  2. Gunn & Moore. But you'll only get the bottom 1/2 of the range. Remember, you pay for what you get.

  3. Gray Nicolls Viper

  4. I agree with gking. Gunn and Moore are affordable but they aren't the best bats. The 'Purist' bat offered by Gunn and Moore is great value for money. It cost me about £35 and has served me better than some other bats I have bought.

  5. there are many affordable bats, but honestly, you need to go for a more expensive and durable bat, because if you buy a 35(pound) bat from Gunn & Moore, it will only last for like... 6 months of proper play and even then it might not hit properly and may not even have a sweet spot. Thats why you should get yourself a proper 100(pound) bat from Woodworm, Kookaburra, Slazenger bat that will last you 3 or more years. Also... Gray Nicholls is also affordable


  7. kookaburra is the best &affordable bat.

    its price rupees 2500 above.

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