
What is the best, fastest way to learn a language online?

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I'm a native speaker of English, and I want to learn Greek.

Which is the best, free and quickest way to do this?




  1. look for courses in the web,that have the sounds recorded of the vowels and of words,then when you feel that you can have a conversation with someone in greek,try with some chat really helps...

  2. Check out your local library's web page.  Many libraries have contracted with "Rosetta Stone" to make their language lessons available via the library's web site.  Any user with a valid library card can access the lessons.  Rosetta Stone is acknowledged to be one of the best foreign language learning programs around.

  3. You really can't bro. It's all about immersion. If you really have the desire to learn Greek, you need to go to Greece and talk with everyone. Trust me, I would know. I'm also a native speaker of English, but I speak Spanish fluently and I can have a conversation in Mandarin.

  4. The Fastest way to learn any language is to first find a partner who have the same interst of learning the language. If you have partner then you can practice speaking with him. You can never learn language through book or leason. The reason is simple the way our brain learns the language is different on how we learn other subject which use logical part of our brain. But language uses lingustic part of our brain the only way train it is by speaking as much a possible. Once you speak the languge brain trys to co-relate the words in languge with real things.. And that is how you learn. That is why a person living in a country where they speak the language learn faster then other person not living in that country.

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