
What is the best,cutest dog for a 2 yrd old? and just what is the cutest dog??

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want a puppy




  1. a child should be old enough to correct a dog consistently,to assume a superior rank in the family "pack"...2 is way too young...

  2. Well i grew up with a husky. From the time I was 2 months old till he passed, our husky was a great, gentle dog. Puppies are a little hyper, but learn quickly to be gentle. They aren't known for biting, and they never bark. Although they do shed a lot, they are great, lovable dogs! They are very affordable.

    I have also heard that Puggle (Pug/Beagle mix) are great family dogs. They are very cute and not too small!!!!  I love Puggles, and just got back from looking at one in an animal shelter. The only thing stopping me from getting him is my backyard space :(    They are very cute dogs,  but can be pricey.

  3. well what dog do u want! if i were u i would go to a animal shelter near ur house.... then ur child can pick whichever one u and whichever puppy u alow and ur changing a puppies life! please remember the animal shelter as alot alot of kitties and dogs that really really need a loving home!  good luck!

  4. The best dog for a 2 year old is no dog and especially no puppy.  They are too young to understand how to treat a live animal at that age and can hurt them without meaning to.  If you absolutely have to have one get an adult female of a calm breed such as Golden retriever, lab, beagle, and under no circumstances get a chihuahua or other little yappy dog.  That is an accident or dog bite waiting to happen.  As for cutest dog -- cute is in the eye of the beholder.  You have to decide.

  5. the best dog for a 2 year old is a stuffed one.

    Toddlers dont need dogs..  a dog is a living thing, not a toy.  Toddlers are often too rough with pets.. they can easily injure or frighten a puppy.

    Toddlers want everything... they all go thru a stage where "mine" is a favorite word.  Your 2 year old wont be so thrilled about a puppy when it play bites.

  6. Even the "best" dog in the world could bite a child who hurts it. At 2, a child can and will hurt a dog, maybe not intentionally, but because they don't know any better. Unless you are going to be constantly supervising the interaction and correcting as needed, I do not recommend any dog at this time.

  7. For a 2 year old?  I don't think a 2 year old has the ability to give a c**p what kind of dog they have.  Why not go to the local humane society or animal shelter and rescue a dog?  Not only will you get a dog that's already potty trained and up to date on shots.. but most shelters do behavioral testing and can tell you if a dog is good with kids or not.

    Good luck.

  8. i have a black lab puppy she's only 10 weeks old but shes super gentle and nice but still playful.  

  9.    Stuffed. A toddler can not be trusted with any other type of animal.

  10. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel!

    They are very nice house dogs and they are always happy to see you.  Perfect for your two year old.

  11. If you have a 2yr. old then I would highly suggest waiting to get a dog, as puppies, the 2yr, old could easily pick the pup up and drop him, step on him or accidentally hurt him, and so the dog wouldn't hurt the kid when it gets bigger you would need a small dog, and small dogs and kids don't really mix safely, but you can't get a big dog or meduim dog either as they could easily knock over a little kid as puppies, i would wait a few more years til the kid can understand what not to do to a puppy, if he wants a dog, just get either a stuffed one or one of those electronic ones that bark, this could be really good practice and once you know that your child will be okay with the fake dog, then go to your local shelter and take a look around carefully choosing a good pet for your family, good luck.

  12. 2 years old is 2 young 4 a puppy.

  13. a yorkie is really gentle and cute but expensive. a maltese and shih tzu mix is really sweet. they are cute in their own way. i have one and my baby cousin who is 3 loves her more than anything. she is the best dog ever. also my black lab is really gentle and sweet but they shed a lot and rip up everything. any family should have a dog

  14. Boxers are beyond great with children. I have a 2 kids under two and they can jump, climb, stand, pull, etc to my boxer and she just lays there. I read in a Dog Fancy magazine about 2 yrs ago that Boxers were in the top 5 for best dogs to have with children

  15. Oh that is sweet, I think a golden retriever they are really good with kids, as well as basset hounds but they can get pretty big, a tea cup poodle is also good, but they tend to get tempormentle at times, oh one more, a snozer, the one with the beards.  

  16. The best is a stuffed toy.  Sorry, two is way too young to be responsible for a dog.

  17. a nice fluffy, stuffed one.

  18. Why would you get a two year old a puppy. I can understand if YOU wanted a puppy. But whatever. Well, a fun dog for anyone is an austrailian sheperd, they are medium in size, and generally very good with kids. Small dogs can be nippy, so id stay away from them with a young child. Labradors are good dogs, too. Cute isnt what you should be looking for in a dog. There are very cute dogs, that are awful with children, and are just not friendly. Food for thought.

  19. two years old is not a good age to get a puppy.  A child that young can harm the puppy and the puppy can harm the child.  Wait until three years old when the child can be taught pet responsibility.

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