
What is the best 65?

by Guest31905  |  earlier

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i was wondering which was better.... and also all the brands that make them new..




  1. kTm is best for racing or just for rideing  for fun the also got diff. sizes

  2. the KX 65 has been around a long time, and is basically unchanged for the last few years. KTM makes a 65cc machine, and not only does it rip, but the thing looks way cool as well.......

  3. Yamaha and Honda don't  make a 65cc.  The Kx has a very good strong motor, but the KTM is meant to handle better.  If you have the money for the KTM it is more than likely the better option, but parts are a lot more.  Not many people I know have the rm65cc and against the other 2 well known brands I don't think it compares.

    My son successfully raced a kx65 at an A grade level but we did have to have the motor ported to be able to compete, but then all the A grade riders had everything legally that they could have done on the bikes done.  But I believe he would have had  a Ktm if we could have afforded that option

    Yes James you are right the rm is basically the same bike as the kx but unfortunately here in Australia they just have not taken off as an option.  You may find one of them in a National field of 80 riders so I suppose that is what I base my assessment of the bike on in the fact that here it is just not a popular option.

  4. it is not true that the rm doesnt compare as it is actually a kawasaki with yellow plastics it is absolutley identicle other than colour so in my opinion all 3 65's the kx rm and ktm are worth having the ktm seems to be a little taller than the other 2 so for a bigger kid might be a bit better but as for power and handeling they are fairly equal you see kids winning on all three
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