
What is the best AK-47 airsoft model i can buy?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not a Air soft pro or anything, this would be my first purchase. A AK and i would like to make my investment into the AK my best one! Something with a very high fps and realistic.

Any help will be much appreciated!!!




  1. Aftermath Kraken AK-47 109 dollars shoots 370 fps with .20 gram bb's its the best AK-47 on the market for its value

    check it out on

    and that gun the guy above me is telling you to buy is a total piece of c**p don't buy he is just a noobe and doesn't know.

  2. awesome ak i love it i have it, it owns

  3. just llok on the internet... all i remember when i bought mine... ( i have a ak 47 to) was a site on the internet for about 100 bucks and it has 400 fps and it can hold aboutt 350 pelets... good luck finding one you like...

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