
What is the best Alkaline food cooking recipe book?

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What is the best Alkaline food cooking recipe book?




  1. eat steak

  2. The first site is full of info and the second is a chef that believes in what he does...

  3. This is a great Alkaline cookbook full of good food. It has a 4 week program which was great for me. It's a recipe book full of great tasting food. You can see sample at their website.

    Hope This Helps

  4. My sister in law uses the "PH Balance Diet book".  She really likes it. BUT I think it's mostly lists of what's Alkaline and what's acidic, not a lot of recipies.


  6. The only book I know on the subject is Robert young's The PH Miracle.

    This isn't a recommendation though.

    The book claims to tell you which foods to eat to do everything from losing weight to preventing and reversing diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer, its premise being that the main factor in disease is how acid or alkaline your blood and tissues are, and that the diet it recommends will reduce acidity.

    Sorry, but anyone who tells you that certain foods or supplements make your stomach or blood acidic does not understand nutrition.

    No foods change the acidity of anything in your body except your urine. Your stomach is so acidic that no food can change its acidity.

    Anything claimed to cure everything should be regarded with suspicion. Any book claiming to have the key to preventing and reversing cancer should be regarded with suspicion and contempt.

    I recommend this article to you

    Acid/Alkaline Theory of Disease Is Nonsense by Gabe Mirkin, M.D.

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