
What is the best Beach in Mazatlan Mexcio?

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Mazatlan is one of the stops on my cruise and I want to visit a secluded tropical and beautiful beach. Any Suggestions would be great.




  1. It would depend on what you mean by secluded tropical. There are 17 miles of beach IN Mazatlan. Plus more on Stone Island. The least crowded would be on Isla Venadoas (An island 1/2 mile off shore in front of the hotel zone. The ship should be able to arrange a tour for you) and Isla De La Pierda (Stone Island) which you can do yourself very easily. Just go out the gate from the cruise ship docks and then left (South). Walk down that divided street about 1/3 of a mile and where it makes a bend to the right, go straight down a dirt road about 500 feet and there is a small yellow building and dock. It is $1.50 US to take a small boat across the bay. Walk over the embankment about 200 feet and you are on another bay that runs for several miles. At the near end are a few simple Palapa restaurants, but you can stroll down the beach as far as you like. An occasional horse or ATV will go by, but that's it.

  2. They're all beautiful. If you're there for the whole day take a cruise over to Stone Island. It's much more secluded than the beaches with the hotels behind them. Or, go over close to Valentinos (the big white castle on the rocks, you'll see it) there's beautiful beaches there and not as many beach vendors!!! I love Mazatlan!! ENJOY!!!

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