
What is the best Gerbils hamster or Rats?

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I have a Hamster very tame nice cute playful I like Hamsters but really ill have any of the choices i put up




  1. Rats are really smart. They can learn thier name. Get a rat fer' sure

  2. Rats by far imo. We had 2 rats growing up. They were awesome. Zelda and her son Ace. Ace wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack, but even he knew his name and would come when we called him. Zelda on the other hand was brilliant (for rat standards) you could point and tell her to go somewhere and she would go there. She would stand and sit on command. Often times my sister would keep Zelda on her shoulder and walk around the house and even ride her bike and she would just sit there happy as can be.

    ..btw we had Gerbils as well, long before we got Zelda and Ace, my memories of Gerbils aren't strong, so the impact must not have been great.

    Good luck in your decision.

  3. I have to rats they are very sociable animals i love them! Rat are the best!

  4. None are better than the other. It all depends on what you're looking for in a pet and how you raise them. I have two gerbils, and I love them to pieces. I wouldn't trade them in for any other pet. They're great. However, this does not mean I believe they're better than hamsters or rats. Both hamsters and rats can make wonderful pets, too.

    At this time, gerbils are a better choice for me. They're active throughout the day and night, are easy to care for, tame, and don't require too much attention or care.

    In the future, I'll be getting rats when I have more time and space for them. At the moment, I don't have the space for a large cage for them. They also require more attention which I feel I can not give right now.

    I, personally, do not want to go with a hamster right now because they're, generally, nocturnal. With school, I can't stay up late at night to play with them.

    See? All three can be greats pets in their own way. It all depends on what kind of pet you're looking for and which would best fit your lifestyle.

  5. Gerbils!

    They are great with kids

    and they live for 4 years

    if you take good care of them

  6. Gerbils... NO!!! They get so evil if you put them down for like a day.....hamsters are nice but most only live like 2 years. If you are going to go hamster.. go Syrian or teddy bear because all dwarfs are evil.Rats play, you can teach them tricks and they live up to 5 years (3-5 years for regular life span)....Rats rule!!  get a rat..

  7. Definitely rats!  They are very social animals.  They love to explore and are very curious and entertaining.  

  8. Personally I think rats. They are intelligent, social, clean animals who love people. They rarely bite even when provoked. I wouldn't trade my 3 girls for anything.

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