
What is the best German city to live in?

by Guest45498  |  earlier

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Just curious to see what everyone would say is the best german city to live in. I have a German friend and he said Munich is the best city in Germany. What do you all think?




  1. I lived in both Hamburg and Berlin for a time and I enjoyed Hamburg the best. It's only four or so hours from Amsterdam and 2-3 hours from berlin. So the location is great and the activities in the city are great.

  2. Berlin!

  3. I'm not a big Munich fan -- to smelly and crowded. I do love Bavaria though, so I would have to say Augsburg. It's very lovely place to live.

  4. Berlin... 'nuff said

  5. I live in Munich also. Whether you would like it or not probably depends on what type of person you are.

    There is a lot of partying going on at night, especially on the weekends. Berling and Hamburg probably have more to offer in terms of partying, but Munich is definitely not boring.

    What I don't like about Munich is the huge "wannabe celebrity" society. A lot of people think they are "all that" when they are not at all. That is kind of annoying.

    Munich hosts the one and only Oktoberfest every year which is a lot of fun, but has gotten a little too crowded over the past few years.

    This city also has lots of parks and "green areas" which is nice to have in a big city.

    There are lots of lakes in the area where people can go swimming in the summer or have BBQs.

    The scenery around Munich is beautiful also. Lots of little towns with a nice atmosphere, Castle Neuschwanstein is not too far away either (thats the castle that the disney castle was modelled after).

    If you like skiing, the surrounding area of Munich has lot ot offer too. World cup ski slopes are only about 30-45 minutes away (Garmisch-Partenkirchen).

    Our zoo is quite nice too :)

    In terms of sightseeing, there is a lot to see here along with lots of museums (i.e. Europe's bigges technical museum)

    There is probably much more, but this is all I could think of right now

    Hope this helped...

  6. Cologne.

    ive lived in 6 different cities in germany (hamburg, weimar,hannover,...) but cologne has by far been the coolest!

  7. D U E S S E L D O R F !!!!!

    Don't always think Bavaria (Munich) when it comes to find the best city in Germany.

    Duesseldorf has been listed as one of the best cities and most attractive cities in recent years. It has a lot to offer.

    Look for yourself and visit. I love it:  and

  8. Any where in West Germany is excellent....your friend does not get out much....Heidelberg is much better and cleaner...Almost all West German cities are beautiful.  Munich in my opinion is way Over rated and extremely expensive....guess someone has to pay the broke and crybaby soccer players....You should come and see for yourself.

  9. I have lived in a number of German cities (including Munich), but my favorite would be Augsburg. Munich is nice and diverse, but too big and spread out, also very crowded.

  10. Munich is nice, but Berlin is more fun!

    I like anywhere in the South or even Hamburg (near Reeperbahn)!

  11. i think Munich is overrated. My sister lived there for a few months, she hated it, that's why she moved away. She lives now near Darmstadt/Frankfurt, in the Odenwald. It's quite nice there.

  12. Frankfurt!!!

  13. hamburg, i am living there and it is really beautiful here

  14. I loved Trier, but that was 18 years ago.  I lived in several small towns in Germany, and I enjoyed them all.

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