
What is the best Golf Instruction book???

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Im looking for a book on golf, was looking at amazon at "Golf for Dummies", and simular not an absolute beginner, but need help..never consitant..and never realise what i do wrong and until now never cared a bout fixing it..would like a book with instructions to techniques, diagrams, and maybe some history or just reading and info..i know its a lot to ask for but any suggestions..




  1. My favorite fundamental golf book is "5 Lessons by Ben Hogan." If you embrace what is in the book, you will understand the basics of the golf swing. If you are serious, prepare to get worse before you get better.

         That said......if you really want to play better take regular lessons and practice.

  2. My personal favorite, and the book that has helped me the most, especially with course strategy is "Golf My Way" by Jack Nicklaus.....

    See my best answer here for a comprehensive list of golf instructional books I would recommend:;...

    Good Luck!

  3. There are several excellent books on golf. I would suggest one that covers the basic fundamentals of the golf swing. The site below advertises some books on the basics.

    The main thing you want to focus on is not the perfect swing, but the basic swing. The swing that can eventually turn into a great swing. The only supposed perfect swing is from Iron Byron, the machine they use to test equipment. You should never strive for the perfect swing. Instead work on the best swing that you are able to produce.

  4. Golf for Dummies is a good start, was the first book I read on the subject, was informative but not over whelming. Ben Hogan's Five Lessons book is also a really good read with decent illustrations.

  5. try the link below they got some great books and free lessons.

  6. id go with the ben hogan one mentioned earlier great book . if you want a laugh read some of dave pelz books they are a load of c**p

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