
What is the best Internet sight to investigate if a person wanted to live and work in a Monestary

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What is the best Internet sight to investigate if a person wanted to live and work in a Monestary




  1. I think this question will be better answered if it is reposted in the Religion/Spirituality section. I feel sure that there will be more people better able to help you than I can.

    I do wish you every happiness in your search and might I suggest you also google Religious Retreats. It may come up with Monestaries which offer free factilities for people like you to go on a "Retreat" - maybe for a weekend - to see if you think you like it.

    BTW, diffrent Monestaries take different vows so don't judge them all as the same.

    Best wishes. UK

  2. Why do you people think everything is on the internet?  There is both a Monastary AND a convent in Indiana... check with St. Meinard Archabby in St. Meinard, IN and they can give you all the information you need..

    You DO know it's not FREE... right?  You or your parents will have to make a sizable donation of cash to get you into the order...

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