
What is the best VISTA or XP?

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my friend thinks vista slows down your computer is she right?

i have both vista and Xp i think they are both the same

Which is faster??




  1. get windows xp it will use way less memory  and less hard drive space and you do not need to buy a 200 dollar graphics card and buy all new software

  2. VISTA baby

  3. XP:

    More stable

    Supports legacy software and hardware

    faster than many Linux distro on older sub-1GHZ hardware

    speedy disk transfers

    Can probably wait till Windows Seven

    UI is probably more logical



    More efficiently uses RAM (not wasting it, it's caching the OS just like Linux and OSX do- my Linux box is now running with 50MB free out of 2GB just the way a machine should)

    Has a slick new UI w/ Aeroglass

    Bitlocker and other new admin. plus power user tools

    As fast or faster on proper hardware (dual core, 2GB RAM, 8400GS or better for Aero)

  4. It depends on a lot of things. Of course, on a newer fast machine, they'll run about the same. But on an older machine, XP will naturally run faster.

    But, when it comes to compatibility, XP triumphs. Since there's less effort in getting things to run on XP, it's faster in that respect.

    I got a laptop for Christmas that was preloaded with Vista. It took me two full days but I rolled it back to XP. Vista sucks...for now.

  5. Obviously XP will faster than vista in any machine. All MS operating system are getting bigger in size in new versions.  they come with new features that need more space and memory. therefore it takes a lot of machine performance. If you run window 98 in your pc, it will be a fastest machine!

    Your machine performance depends on your machine configuration. If it is a old machine then it will be wise to stick with XP.



  6. If they are both at stock, untweaked then XP, mainly because it uses less RAM for the pagefile, making it perform faster.

    But if you tweak Vista a bit (Of course, I'd know how to) it would actually perform about the same.

    Nonetheless XP would be faster, but if you have a decent computer you wouldn't notice much of a difference between those two.

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