
What is the best advice to give to a person who is trying NOT to be Hypocrite ?

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long story short...

I have taught my children and tried to live by a certain Christian love the sinner and not the sin, and now I find myself being hypocrite and can really use some good advice on how to get over this.

I have g*y friends and family members, and I have always felt that their sexual orientation was between them and God, I love them for them, but recently my daughter (17) told me that she is in love with another woman and I am having a hard time separating what I have taught them from how I'm feeling about this.

I want to be a good example of God's love for ALL His children, but now I find myself torn.

Do you have some good advice for me?




  1. When you point the finger, you have three more pointing back at you....

    Always look in the mirror before being judgmental and placing blame.  

  2. Open your mind. Continue to support your daughter because I'm sure what you think means a lot to her.  It sounds like she just told you recently, so I'm sure the idea will grow on you and a year from now you won't think anything of it.  Just listen to your advice.  God loves all his children.  Think of it like a mom.  You're a mom, and you have one kid that likes oranges, but you have another kid that likes apples.  You still love them both, their preferences don't change that right? It's theoretically the same thing.  Good Luck!

  3. Stop being a homophobe against your daughter. Love her unconditionally as Christ supposedly does.

    I used to be a complete homophobe when I was a Christian but now I'm an Agnostic and I find way more peace with others and tend to love people a lot more now that I'm not judging and condemning them constantly like I used to.

    "Give so much time to the improvement of yourself, that you have no time to criticize others."

    "I do not like that man. I must get to know him better!"--Abraham Lincoln

    I don't know why that wasn't one of the 10 commandments, God must love wars is all I can figure.

    I noticed you said "I have always was between them and God, until [paraphrased;] it became personal."

    Try realizing that we are all equal in God's eyes. That means he sees your daughter as just as important as he sees you, and that it is between him and her, not you, her, and him!

  4. Angel, you know I may not tell people what they want to hear. But, they ask questions and I answer with the best of my ability. There are many atheist and homosexuals on the site and will undoubtedly get some grief for my views. Yes, as you said God loves all his children. But a sin is not a sin, you can't bunch them all into one category, most of them YES (not yelling) But, there are what is called "deadly sins" aka blasphemy and homosexuality would fall under this category.

    You have got me wondering now & I will have to go look. Then try to get back to you, I think somewhere there is listed what's called the 7 deadly sins. Which would probably scare the heck out of all of us. Sweetie all you can do is pray for her & love her. Let the Lord take care of the rest. My thoughts & prayers are with you. May God Bless and Keep You & Yours.

    EDIT: Don't let these people make you think your a hypocrite or a homophobe, by your own accounts you have tried to show them love & respect. Which by the time its over with you'll be trying to blame yourself for the problem. Please, please don't blame yourself.

  5. You can still love her, which is your advice, but not love what she does, which is also your advice. You can avoid being a hypocrite by disagreeing with what she does as long as you don't let that change your love for her. You can still love her even if you would like some things about her to change.  

  6. stop being a hypocrite, there i said it.

    it's brutal honesty, something that Christians often shy away from.

    and don't put "God" into this, he loves all his children, supposably, you're the one with the problem, not him so stop using him as an excuse.


  7. Try to remember that sin is sin.  All sin is equal.  I am a Christian and I smoke and I know its a sin.  Try not to look at homosexuality as a bigger sin then any other.  We all sin!!!  Her sin is no bigger than yours.  Love in Christ.

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