
What is the best advise you could give to new moms??

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im 11 weeks pregnant (almost 12) :) and im so nervous but so excited about becoming a mom. but i have a few questions...

1.what is it like to see/hold you baby for the first time??

2. did you ever feel like you werent good enough for you baby?

3.on average, how many hours of sleep did you get for the first few months?lol

because im 19 my mother is extremely mad at me and wont speak to me so i cant ask her anything so any advise or info on becimg a mommy would be great!!

thanks :)




  1. Firstly Congratulations!!

    1. - Its very hard to describe the feeling of holding your baby for the first time apart from saying it is the most amazing feeling in the world!

    2. - Don't ever feel like you are not good enough for your baby as the baby's mummy you are the best thing that baby needs.

    3. - All babies are different when it comes to sleeping but dont worry about it you get a strange burst of energy when it comes to waking up during the night!

    Good Luck with your pregnancy!

  2. im 19 now and my son is 14 months... he is the joy in my life, the first day you hold your baby you will feel like you can't love anything more in your life but every single day you see your child that love grows more and more... you just think how could i love this baby any more already love them with all my hear and then when you wake up the next day you realize your lover grew more.

    You will get frustrated espesially with lack of sleep but it passes and you love again.

    and the lack of sleep for the first few months you get used to fairly easily, rule of thumb for the first weeks especially ( sleep when the baby sleeps) so u lose sleep at night but if u have the chance nap when the baby naps

    good luck... and if u care right now about the kind of mom you will be i know you will be a good mom and you just remember that

  3. Words cannot describe the feelings i had when i first seen and held my son. It is unlike anything you have ever felt before in your life and nothing i mean nothing will ever compare to it.

    I have never thought that i wasn't good enough for him.

    My son would wake up every couple of hours in the beginning and it would get longer in time when he would wake up between feedings.

    Sleep when your baby does....and do not start walking him/her around or rocking them all the time because they will get use to that and want it nonstop.

    Never wake a sleeping baby.

  4. Congrats!! the first time you hold them is the best feeling in the world you are on cloud nine and every day gets better there little smiles there cries and it all pays off just watching them grow, and they grow so fast!!!and at first you do feel overwhelmed  but nature does kick in just have some faith in yourself and patience, sleep now cause pregnancy it's the easy part!loland  sleep after baby is born is rare!!!! your so worried that even if you have help you will still want to look at your child, you can't get enough of that baby!!!but relax babies can sense fear or other feelings!!!!good luck1!

  5. Firstly, i am sorry to hear about your mum and hopefully she'll come round, at least after the baby is born...If not, the just remember what it feels like and use those feelings to be an even better mum for your child!

    Fantastic about your boyfriend, he sounds like a good support!

    19 is young but that doesn't mean you won't cope or be a good mum - You are innitiating getting advise and help so you are already a good mum.


    I was 26 when i had my first one and i even though i was excited about having a baby, i had no clue what it would be or feel like till she was there...when she was born i started crying straight away, i couldn't believe the emotions, and all the feelings and love i had for this little one who i'd only had in my arms for a few minutes...Amazing! But, it is normal for a mum to feel tired and not get the mothers insticnt straight away so don't worry but if you ever do, about anything, talk to your midwife/health visitor.


    I always feel like that..are they getting enough foood, are they getting enough love, am i patient enough with them, am i doing the right things for them...Gosh, it is a constant worry and you'll feel like that a lot but there's soo many good feelings as well that will make up for it..and all the smiles and hugs and kisses (and now, the first 'art') will show you how much he/she loves you so don't think too much about it:)

    3) It was on and off a bit, first one slept 10pm -2am and then from 3am - 70am

    and my second one will sleep though one night and up every hr the next so it is difficult to first one was breastfed and the second is bottlefed, maybe that makes a difference, i do;t know

    Good luck with everything and i am sure you'll do great! x

  6. Congratulations!!

    1.  When i first held my son i was so exhausted that i didnt give it much thought (was coming round from general anaesthetic).  Later on though i remember feeling really overwhelmed and wanting to protect him from everything . . .he slept in my bed from that moment until he was 3 months old because he was so lovely and didnt cry and i was convinced that somebody would try and steal him.  

    I can also remember thinking "well thats it, you've done it now" in a no turning back kind of way which wasnt a bad thing but thats when it hit me that i had a baby . . .MY baby.

    2.  I feel that im not good enough for my son a lot of the time, especially when im shattered and he does something wrong and i shout and he gets upset.  I always feel awful and get upset, but then i think that every parent beats themselves up about not being perfect, its part of being a parent.

    3.  Sleep in the first few months.  My son started off sleeping 2 and a half to 3 hours at a time at night, and would nap lots during the day.  At one point i was getting up to feed him every 45 minutes (thats when i decided to give him a bottle and stop breastfeeding).  The key is to try and get them into a 3 hourly routine and then a 4 hourly routine for feeding.  By 4 months my son was sleeping through because i used controlled crying and i have barely had a problem since!

    Im sorry that your mum is so mad at you but im sure that she will come round once the baby gets here.  I was 19 and my mum was pretty mad with me but the moment my boy was born she completely fell in love with him and still thinks that he is the most fabulous thing in the world!  Im 24 and pregnant with my second and she was mad about that too but this time i didnt let it bother me and just got on with sorting things out (at the end of the day i have been with my partner for two and a half years, he's 31 and ive lived away from home for 5 years now!!!).

    Good luck with everything x

  7. Congratulations........... THe first time I held my baby was the strangest thing. Being in labor for so long then this sudden rush of love when you see them. And when they look straight up at your your heart melts.

    I think everyone at some point goes through the "I cant do this" strange. Its normal. You can do it and it will get better.

    For the first few weeks He was waking about every 3 hours and as they get older the time increases.

    The best advise I can give is get the baby into a routine asap. Let it learn to go to sleep on its own at night.  Don't rock it or cuddle it to sleep. As this just causes problems for later. I did that form the start and after 4 weeks he ws going to bed at 8. Bath then milk then bed. Then at 6 months he was waking 4am for milk. And now at 11 months he does 12 hour nights.

    Good luck.

  8. It's so exciting to hold your baby for the first time. It can be odd too because there's nurses with their hands all over baby and the doctor may be busy stitching you up. You do fall in love instantly when your little one looks up at you for the first time.

    I feel babies bring out the best in us. I want to succeed for my children.

    Haha sleep? Lucky nights might be 5 hours *not all at once either =P*. Learn the power of a good nap!

    I was 19 when I was pregnant the first time and I highly valued my Mom's support and love. I'm sorry you're not getting that. I hope things work out there. I'm sure your Mom's heart will just melt when she sees her grandchild.

  9. I am a grandmother rather than a new mother but I hope my thoughts will be helpful to you.

    At 19 you are these days considered young to be having a baby but because you are young much will come to you automatically.  You should have feelings of joy when first you see the baby but do not worry if you don't, lots of mothers take a little while to get used to the idea.  For some they experience a moment of fear/worry that this tiny person is their responsibility

    You will almost certainly at times feel inadequate but do not let this feeling gain a hold.  You are the mother and you are the most important person in this baby's life.

    Sleep does depend on the baby - my advice - get yourself and the baby into a good routine.  Babies and children like routine and security then the grow up to be normal human beings.  Also, if you are tired sleep when the baby sleeps and do not worry about trying to clean house or do chores at least for the first 8 weeks while your body settles back to normal and your hormones settle down.

    You do not mention your partner, is your mother mad because you are pregnant without support from the father?  If this is the case do try to mend fences with your mother as you will need some help and support even if it is only the comfort of another adult to reassure you in those times when you feel vulnerable.

    Enjoy, be happy and good luck :-)

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