
What is the best age for boys to go alone to the bathroom?

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I'm a mom with a 3 young boys ages 8, 5, and 3. i was wondering when its ok for them to go into the mens public bathroom alone.




  1. I'd say let the 8 and 5 go alone and keep the 3 with you

  2. I say 5 to 6 years old

  3. old enough to do it themselves

  4. I think I live in a safer place than you and my 5 yr. old goes on his own. He will take his 4 yr. old brother to pee sometimes, but usually the younger one goes to the ladies room with me. I always wait outside the door for him when he goes!

      When we're in the U.S., I only let them go to the men's room if it's in my hometown. The rest of the time, they are stuck with me or go with their dad or Peepaw!

  5. I agree with 29WeeksToGo. Your 3 and 5 year olds are probably still too little to even reach the sink. The three year old probably should go with you for a couple more years, but the 5 year old should go with the 8 year old if the 8 year old is present.

  6. agree with lucy

  7. It totally depends on your kid. Eight should be okay, just, like, tell him that if anyone talks to him, scream. And stand outside the bathroom while he's in there. If you have a mature 8-year-old, you can let him take the 5-year-old with him, but I don't think I'd do that.

  8. probably 10

  9. For me it depends on where we are.  My son is 8 1/2.  If it's the airport, someplace in a bad part of town, etc. he's going with me into the women's.  If I feel comfortable with the clientele and the surroundings, he can go by himself.

  10. well if you mean not in the womens bathroom with their say around 6/7 when "boobies" start getting weird for boys...and girls have cooties.

  11. I believe no one can say a certain age. Cause some people can understand things quickly and so they can do big things at early ages, but some people's brains are slow to process and if they are young they can do unimaginable things. When you train your kids and you think you're ready, then they can go alone.

  12. When ever they're calm and you know you can trust them to flush and wipe and wash their little hands(lol) probably around 6/7

  13. i would say definitly let your 8 year old and if hes mature let him bring the 5 year old with him other wise the 5 and 3 year old should still go with you just because you dont want them playing in the bathroom or not being able to turn the sink on by themselves they also might be scared to go alone

  14. I can't believe some of these answers on here. I would never let my 5-6 year old go into a public restroom alone ever!

    I don't care if people look at me weird, there are too many sicko's out there. I would say 10. Alot of places now have family restrooms.

    If you are out in an unfamiliar place it is better to be safe than sorry. It isn't like you are going to be letting your kid look under the stalls or anything. Otherwise what is the harm? They aren't going to see  anything. I would rather know they are safe.

  15. I think it depends where you are. My youngest son is 8 and when we are in wal-mart in our own town or someplace nice I allow him to go in by himself or with his older brothers. We live in a nice area. If we are at the airport or someplace we are not familiar with that is busy (amusement park) then I take him into the ladies room with me unless one of his brothers will take him.

    to the first answer...why would a child be seeing "boobies" in a public restroom?

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