
What is the best age to start training chicks?

by  |  earlier

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my lovebird has just laid eggs




  1. You should begin when you pull them to hand feed.  At each feeding the babies should be cuddled for a period of time so they get used to appreciating the human touch.  As then get older, you should not only cuddle with them but play with them at each feeding.  By doing this you will have well socialized babies that will go to their new homes not fearing people.  A bird that is hand fed and simply plopped into the brooder has not been socialized (and frankly, may as well have been left with the parents for feeding).  

    Delivering well-socialized babies to their new owners is one of the things that will give you a good reputation as a breeder.  It will also make settling into a new home easier on the babies and their new owners.  

    Good luck to you!  


  2. when they hatch...

  3. Wait until they hatch.  

  4. As soon as they are food independant you can start simple training,

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