
What is the best alternative fuel source for autos?

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What is the best alternative fuel source for autos?




  1. Your feet!~  It's called a bicycle.

  2. Ethanol---it is clean, renewable, made in American and available TODAY.  In addition, using it reduces our trade deficit because the money stays here.

  3. Biodiesel, because it can be made now with material we would otherwise throw away (like animal fat, vegetable oil, and all sorts of unpalatable stuff) and it can go into diesel vehicles right now. The problem is, we have to make sure we're using unneeded materials. Europe's demand for soy biodiesel is being used as an excuse to replace rainforest acres with soybean fields in South America. And it's being shipped across the ocean. (Where to begin....)

    Electric cars might be a good idea if our electricity industry were cleaner. (Most of it is coal-powered.) The odds that we'll convert enough of that industry to solar, wind, etc. so that the trade-off would be worth it seem extremely slim.

  4. Electric.  Electric motors are extremely efficient, and thus produce relatively low amounts of pollution.  The necessary infrastructure (power grid) is also already in place, and the technology is advancing rapidly.  See links below for further details.

  5. Electricity is the best source but still hard to design and to costly to manufacture and also complicated

    Hydrogen is very inefficient to produce and use more energy just to make a 1 gallon of hydrogen also not renewable if making hydrogen has not made more cheaper

    I think there is no such good alternative fuel it's up to you to decide. which best suits you.

  6. Water (H2O), there's somebody in the Far East who says it's possible but nobody believe it can be done.

  7. If your car is a diesel then use used cooking oil after the filtering process.  If your car is a gas propeled then use hydrogen, it can be made as you use it.. Visit

  8. Gasoline engines are simple and cheap (that's why you bought it) but they have complicated fuel.

    Diesels are complicated expensive engines but they have lots of cheap and simple options for fuel.

    Electrics are extremely complicated "engines" but they have the cheapest simplest fuel of all - just plug in.

    So do you want a cheap simple engine or cheap simple fuel?  Pick one.

  9. Waste vegetable oil,with a conversion.Cheaper than biodiesel,no dangerous chemicals to store.

  10. Nuclear Batteries.  These produce all the electricity needed to run a car for over 20 years without the need for recharging of refueling.

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