
What is the best alternative medication to T4 hormone replacement i.e. Levothyroxine?

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...While my Thyroid is shutting down slowly, I have been feeling sickly with headache for the past 2 weeks.




  1. I strongly suggest you check out these products which works on a cellular level, Getting your body realigned to it's natural state. The company that has been applauded and world recognized for it's cellular renewal and wild mushroom extracts and MUCH more has been

    You should really check out their products as well as the testimonials. I have never felt more balanced and healthy in my life. Light and blessings to you!

  2. armour thyroid... You need to go to a Naturopath.  There are also variations of it.  I am on a compounded t3/t4 combination.

  3. You are probably best taking levothyroxine and then supplements to help your body get back into shape - I don't know of any alternative medication that would bring you any back near to "normal" without some thyroxine. You may not even need that much, but I have had no side effects in the 8 years I've been taking it - neither has my mum or anyone else I know!

  4. there really isnt a good one despite what people are likely to post, levothyroxine is chemically identical to the T4 the thyroid makes. sort of like how if you had 100% pure water, H20 is H2O no matter where it comes from. T4 is T4 and your body cant tell if it was made in a lab or if it is natural. occasionally some people can benefit from armour thyroid which is basically ground up animal thyroid if their body has trouble converting T4 to T3 but they are a small minority of people and dosing isnt as accurate with armour as it is with regular levothyroxine because it is measured in weight of ground up thyroid rather than the actual amount of hormone in it so there is more variance from batch to batch than with the synthetic hormone. you dont have to go to a naturopath to get it, a regular doctor can write for it but they tend to shy away for the reason i mentioned.

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