
What is the best alternative to QWERTY layout to attain the best possible speed and performance?

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The QWERTY keyboard was designed to slow down people from typing too fast on old typewriters -- but that was old technology! Today that technology is outdated, thus also out-dating the QWERTY layout. There must be an alternative to QWERTY that offers the best speed and performance for typing, as the problems that occurred with typewriters (which triggered the creation of the QWERTY layout) are now obsolete.

Despite being able to type well over 100 words per minute (wpm), I am interested and curious in learning a different layout that is optimized for performance and speed; the modern keyboard for computers is more than capable of handling such idea without a single problem.




  1. It has long been considered that a DVORAK keyboard is much faster.

    All the most often used keys are in the homerow, arangement with left hand / right hand also is considered. Like tapping a bongo drum. if you dont mind learning a new instrument ( I'm an accordion player), DVORAK is definetely the way to go

    Hope this helps

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