
What is the best alternative to milk?

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I recently became a Pescetarian, and after considering all of the cons of milk (animal abuse, hormones, health problems, etc) I have decided to stop drinking milk. I used to drink skim milk or fat free milk because it wasn't as thick as regular milk. I know that soy is a good alternative, but it has a its own problems: namely, soy creates more estrogen in the body, which is not good for males. So, is there any other type of "milk" that is similar to skim milk in either taste or consistency or both?




  1. I drink both Almond and Rice Milk. I prefer almond milk because of the flavor, and it also works for cooking. Rice milk is something i use more for cereal and smoothies. I was drinking soy, but found that the hormones did affect me, so I cut it out. I've also read that it has some affect on thyroid issues.

  2. My husband really likes rice milk a lot, I prefer almond milk. Almond milk has fewer calories, but my husband says rice milk has a better flavor, so he'd rather have the extra calories.

  3. soya or coconut milk

  4. soy milk and rice milk is good

  5. Soy milk, rice milk, coconut milk. Check your supermarkets milk aisle. It is quite amazing the stuff they make milk from these days. I recently had some oatmeal milk which imbued my muffins with a really interesting nutty taste.

  6. Almond Milk

  7. Try soy milk, SOY SILK has lots of varities and tastes great.  MY personal fav is vanilla.

  8. almond milk

    rice milk

    hemp milk

    though I think the estrogen/soy milk thing is a rumor propagated by the dairy industry. There is alot more pesticides, antibiotics and hormones injected into dairy cows to increase production. I would enjoy the soy milk, I don't think there's any thing to worry about.

  9. I really like Almond Milk (unsweetened).

  10. I drink unsweetened vanilla flavored almond milk.

    My dad drinks vanilla Soyjoy

  11. Nut milk

    Almond + Cashew Nut Milk

    We can get almond powder here, it looks like milk with almond essence.

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