
What is the best alternative to replace diesel powered generators for producing electricity in small nations?

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What is the best alternative to replace diesel powered generators for producing electricity in small nations?




  1. How about methane gas there's plenty of c**p lying around doing nothing but smelling.

  2. Setting aside security concerns.. nuclear power would be the best.


  4. This depends on what you consider a small nation, inland or island. If they are running diesel generation now then they probably don't have a location to build a hydro station. Wind is ok if it's constant but is not reliable enough for continual generation. Wave or tidal generation is a possibility but a lot of these nations don't have the funds to purchase this type of technology. The alternative is to run the diesel engine on bio-fuels. Many of these small nations produce a crop of some sort and the left overs could be converted to a fuel . Forget about CO2 production as, like with wood, no more CO2 is released than was first consumed by the plant for which the fuel came from.


    Nuclear for small nations ? most of them don´t even consume the 2GW produced as a baseload and do not have the technology or the political stability required.

    Wind, ok but every 1MW of wind has to be backed with 0.7MW gas turbine to suply the energy when there is no wind...

    Small hydro power if available is interesting

    But most seriously, if you are a small nation, the first rational thing to do is to is to connect your grid with the neighbors, liberalize your market and establish a common electricity market.

    The bigger the grid, the lowest the prices and the highes the stability

  6. The diesel  fueled turbine is the best way to go.

  7. I'm going with both wind and nuclear.

  8. Solar, wind, geothermal, refuse recycling  nuclear and wave technology's.

    The technology(s) used would be determined  by the available natural resources in that country.

  9. I've always liked the new/old windmill idea for electricity

  10. Wind power, - solar power?  ~

    Geothermal if available.

  11. Run those generators on vegetable oil!

    They will run fine and will have a more pleasant exhaust, have a fuel with a closed carbon cycle, and reduce the use of petroleum.

    Did I mention it will also save money?

    Good luck!

    In the winter mix the veggie oil with 10-15% gasoline to thin it out after it has been filtered.

  12. Producing energy from waste waters and biologic garbage (biomass). Even more efficient from farms waste.

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