
What is the best and cheapest way to get rid of blackheads?

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What is the best and cheapest way to get rid of blackheads?




  1. Ooooo is this a joke! Tell me, tell me!

  2. Squeeze. It never did me any harm.  

  3. Steam and remove with cotton wool ball. Or us ethe blackhead tool with 2 loops.  

  4. Neutrogena-Clean and Under Control. Another good acne product for eliminating things such as blackheads is Proactiv, which is more expensive than Neutrogena, but very effective as well. Proactiv's "refining mask" will open up the pores of your blackheads, making it much easier for you to get rid of them if you apply the refining masks on the areas where you have the blackheads and leave it on over night-then just rinse the refining mask off your face in the morning.  

  5. umm those thing you put on your face and rip them off? ive never done it but my friend does, it works for her but it looks like it hurts and it gets red for awhile but it does go away.

    but you should try that new thing that clean and clear has, its called black head eraser?  here:;...

  6. The strips that stick on and pull off, only work on a cosmetic level...the blackheads will be gone for a few days at most then fill up again.

    Blacks head are pores that get full of grease and dirt and the only way to get rid of them for good is to shrink to the pores back to their original size. Unfortunately that is a biological fact which most cosmetics companies wont acknowledge as they are all too busy trying to get you to buy their ineffective products!

    I've tried all the products on the market (and my skin isn't even that greasy), including wipes, strips, and "specialist" toners and the only thing that has worked is microdermabrasion. Which is using tiny exfoliators to rub of the top layers of skin using special equipment/machines...generally it's recommended to do 6 or so sessions and it can cost £30-50 a session so IT"S NOT CHEAP sadly. Shop around though, sometimes you can get special offers or a reduced rate if you buy a couple of sessions.  You can also buy home kits now and you might even be able to find some going at bargain prices on ebay etc.  

    An alternative might be to try and make your own version of this, using a really good exfoliator, maybe steaming your face first to open the pores, then using a good quality natural exfoliator (gently but for at least 5 mins) then splashing your face afterwards with cold water (to help the pores close up again). If you did this twice a day for a week, you should see results. I would also suggest you didn't use any makeup or self tanner on the area during this time and they will fill up and darken the pores again before they have a chance to close.

    But honestly microdermabrasion is very good, afterwards your skin will look amazing. Astrigent's can also help, someone above mentioned lemon juice, which may help, and definately worth a try! I'd steer clear of stuff with alcohol or harsh chemicals in, as it will strip your skin of it's natural oils and then it will try to compensate by producing even more oil!

    Whatever you choose good luck!!  

  7. You can try this. Make a paste by mixing 1 tsp lime juice and 1 tsp of finely powdered cinnamon. Apply it on the affected area before going to bed. Wash it off in the morning.Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.

  8. Wash your face with soap and warm water then SQUEEZE it out with clean hand. Cream it after you finish, shold take no more than 10 min.

  9. the bst way iz neutrogena black head eliminating daily leaves ur face tingly mingly and fresh

  10. i use this thing called black head remover its cheap and it does what is says it opens up the pours so all the c**p and stuff in them comes out its great and i have perfect skin now  

  11. Sephora has a metal 'stick' called a blackhead remover.  You should look it up!

  12. well some of these things might help:::

    rub lemon juice over ur face, do this everyday till the blackheads dissappear

    eat light, nothing spicy and oily... the food which is high on oil can be the reason behind ur blackheads

    wash ur face every time uve done something that made u sweat

    try garnier lite, or garnier pure or some other face packs

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