
What is the best and fastest way to lose weight around your stomach area, including those love handles?

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im carrying a bit of extra weight around my waist im an active lad doing a manual job but cant shif the pounds. and ideas?? im 6ft 2inch and i am 97kg, what should my weight be also

thanks for any advice




  1. Watch s****. on youtube

    My male friend told me about him. He's great.  

  2. Your BMI is currently 27.5. It should be no more than about 190 lbs so you need to lose about 23 lbs.

    The problem with your question is that if you look in "search for questions" it comes up 30 times every day. I have had some criticism for repeatedly using the same answer, but since I am happy with my answer, and the questions are the same, I don't see the issue with recycling the same answer.

    In practise for problems that came up on a regular basis we tended to use patient leaflets to avoid having to repeat ourselves this seemed a sensible use of resources. What follows is thus in effect me information leaflet.

    Weight loss and fitness is always a long term commitment and never a quick fix. If you really want to reduce your weight a bit, this is a complex regime, that should help, I would get a pencil to write it down, in case you forget any of the intricate details.

    Currently only using the criteria 'lose weight' there are 9,419 questions and answers on Answers already. Mis-spell it as 'loose weight' and you get another 2,633! 'Weight loss' will add another 1,883. 'Too fat ' 15,515 and 'overweight' 2,692 and 'over weight' 26,269!!!!!.

    'Diet Pills' gives 607, Green tea 482, Hoodia 195, 'pink patch' 119, 'Xenical' 91 'Reductil' 78, 'Slim fast' 215 (and Slimfast 69 ), lipotrim 44 and 'orlistat' 40 . Do you spot a pattern here? OMG that is 60,000 questions with the same basic theme, wanting to lose weight!

    Here comes the only answer, no tricks, no pills, no short cuts, If you really want to lose weight, loose weight, not be too fat or overweight, follow these instructions carefully:-

    1) Eat less

    2) Take regular vigorous exercise

    Repeat 1 + 2 forever

  3. Hey

    I found some great fat burning tips from the site .  There are tips form the top fitness trainers.  There are also some good downloadable free ebooks.  The truth about abs and your six pack quest are also good programs that friends of mine used.  They really give you what you need to lose the fat without losing muscle.

    Good luck, Don't give up.

  4. you need to find an exercise and eating (notice I didn't say DIET) plan that works for you;

    You also need to find a strenuous physical activity that you actually enjoy, it might just be walking.

    Pretty soon your friends will be asking you for advice!

    Good luck, you can do this!!

    search How do i lose fast weight?;_ylt=A0oG...

  5. sit ups and pilate positions, it works every time for me

    il show you some links to the positions i do :

    oh right cos your a guy aswell don't be put off by the feminisation of the yoga and pilates circuits!!

    also cut out beer !!!! pasta!!! and BREAD!!

    and also try and do a vedgetarian diet for A while you'd be suprised how many calories you could be cutting out.!

  6. Get a Hula Hoop!

  7. The best option is to follow a healthy weight loss diet, combined with fitness exercises such as aerobics (to burn extra calories) and a stomach-toning workout to help tighten and strengthen abdominal muscles, turning the fat in to muscle.

    Despite what commercials say, there is no diet-plan or type of exercise that can "target" your fat stomach. A avoiding carbohydrates will do wonders though, and this is why many people chose the now well known 'Atkins Diet'. This diet basically means eating no foods at all with carbs in. I know people who have done it and each recommend it so it might be worth a try, however do look at other diets and find one that you feel comfortable with.

    Hope this helps :-)

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