
What is the best and short way to build strong credit?

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What is the best and short way to build strong credit?




  1. To raise your credit score you need to do two things:

    1 - add positive things to your credit records.  Such as paying your bills on time!

    2 - Remove negative things from your records.  These may be mistakes made by the credit report companies or bills you haven’t paid!

    If your problems aren’t too bad or too complicated than you can do this yourself.  This review site gives you e-books to explain the process and guide you through it:

    if your problem is complex - or you just don’t have the time or patience to do it yourself then you will want to use a credit repair company.  This review site will guide you to the three best companies to use:

    Good Luck!

  2. Go to Type into his search engine, you will find a list of things to do and things to avoid to have a GREAT credit score. He is THE consumer/money Guru.

  3. There's no 'short' way to build good credit. It takes time, patience and persistence. You'll probably need a credit card to get started. You probably won't get the best terms (ie: interest rates, fees, etc.) if you have no credit history. But once have a card, make regular on-time payments. and don't ever let your credit limit exceed 50% of the available credit. Here's one of many places to find a credit card online:

  4. A 24 months good payment history with no dergatory info or lates help raise your credit score. The combination credit cards and installment loans like personal loan, mortgage, car loan with good payment history will give you a good credit score.

  5. You have to have a credit card and pay it off every month.

  6. Best way is to get a car loan. Now this does not mean buying an expensive 50k car. This can be something like 5k car too. When you make these small payments on you car, your credit boosts up. Comparing with credit card car loan will be the fastest way. I know people attaining excellent credits in jus 6months with a car loan. But, at the same time make sure u get a good loan...most car loans offer at 0% for new and used can be as low as 3.9%. So, look out for the best deal...

  7. Best way is to pay your bills on time for 5 years.  Shortest way is to add your name to a family member's accounts.

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