
What is the best and worst dream you have had about horses?

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well mine was both... i used to own this pony, a mare named Cleara. she was a Welsh Mountian Pony, and she was probably the best thing that had ever happened to me. anyway, when i got to big for her, i had to sell her. after that i moved to Aussie, and i bought a new pony, Romeo. he is a Australian Riding Pony, 13.3hh.he is quite a dominant character, and bosses me around.(gotta fix that :0 ) and now to the dream i had...

I dreamt that i owned both of them, and i was going to ride Cleara in a show, in show-jumping(which i had always not liked)((she is 12hh and a brilliant jumper, she can jump upto her own height)). anyway, just before the show she got a bump on her hind leg, and her leg was put into a cast. i had to ride Romeo in the show, and we were in complete harmony, like me and Cleara had always been. we flew over the jumps, and won.

the reason it was the best dream i had ever had was because Romeo and I were in complete harmony, but it was the worst because Cleara Got hurt




  1. Best: I had a dream that my trainer gave me the horse I have been riding (and love more than any horse in the world).

    Worst: This was a few years ago but....There was this pony I have ridden forever and she is awesome and kind of like my dog and she was in a pen at some random barn and she was all wrapped up in wires and the vet was there and he said that she had eaten toxic hay and she was going to die. It was really weird. And scary.

  2. best-my horse lived for ever

    worst-i got mad at my horse and she dided befor i saw her agin

    plz answer my question;...

  3. had a dream that i was playing with my filly and freaked her out and she flipped over backwards and broke her back legs. i swear i woke up crying.

  4. bad-my horse died

    best-my mare had a baby

  5. best: getting the horse i wanted for like 3 years (did happen :) )

    worst: reliving my horse slipping and falling out from underneath me and then end up breaking his a bone in his leg and having to put him down right then and there (not the same horse that i wanted 4 like 3 years it was my first one)

  6. for some reason every time i dream of horses I'm riding a beautiful black stallion bareback and no bridle

    i think he's an fresian or an Andalusian very built and big mane and tail but no feathering so im' thinking an andy  still i'm just riding this black horse just in the grass along the highways haha yeah weird huh?

    when i was a little girl and we were driving somewhere i would stare out the window of the car and pretend my "dream" horse was running along the highways with me and my car jumping things and bridges and other cars that got in the way lol

    i still have this dream it keeps coming back it's a good dream it's just  it might be bad that i keep having it over and over

  7. Best:  I would say re playing my mare's birth in my dream. Only it was abit different on the location (kept switching locations) and people involved.

    Worst:  Riding my horse in water and we began to drown.  It was that type of dream where you are under water and can't breathe (wake up and felt like I was under water for real feeling). All in the mean while, worrying about my horse and panicking.

    After I woke up, I had to drive out to the stables at the time to check on my horses. It was that sense of "alarming. Something isn't right" feeling still. Of course they where just fine, wanting some food lol.

    A few years ago, I used to board near a river and that I would use the sand and the water to give my horse a work out and have some fun splashing in the water.

    After that dream, I had to really focus on trying to get myself out there cuz I was at the point of being afraid to go to the river.

    Reason was, a few horses drowned a few years back at that time (owners tied them up and the river rose, horses couldn't get away and drowned at the tie up post).

    So, I was abit worried for awhile til the water went way down to just get my horse's hooves wet.

  8. Best: Riding/flying on a horse through a field of flowers and having the greatest feeling of being free!

    Worst: Falling off getting hurt really bad and my dad telling me that I can never ride again or see another horse in my whole life while I was in the hospital recovering...

  9. Worst-barn fire and I couldn't get them all out.

    Best-having another once in a lifetime horse, and I think this one might come true!

  10. At my riding centre, my fav and best riding horse had 2 get ridden by a 180 kl, guy coz He was the strongest horse.

    Anyway it was a boiling day, an i was told he might collaps.

    All that week i had horrible dreams that he died, it was scary

    lucky he didnt

    Best dream was when i had a conversation with the horses..

    they have alot to say

  11. Best: I accually had one

    Bad: Never had a bad one

  12. When i thought my mare was pregnant i started dreaming about it.

    worst: well in one of my dreams, she foaled. I was very excited, and i went to check on my mare while the foal wondered off. In my dream the foal ended up drouning in the water trouf. OMG it was aweful, i ended up waking up and crying. The foal was all bloody, and disformed. it was the worst dream i have ever had!

    oops i didnt realize you asked for best too lol.

    best: That would be when my mare did have a foal, and it was healthy too. ha ha i had many different dreams about it. I was obsesed. But a really good dream i just had last night, one of my favorites, i was teaching my mare how to jump, it was so much fun!

  13. I haven't had a bad dream yet-knock on wood

    But plenty of good ones, I was on some chestnut QH mare(I haven't met this mare yet, and am shocked because I am not a fan of chestnut mares)  but we were just galloping around bareback and jumping anything  in our path, it was like freedom

  14. Best:winning a tournament :-)

    Worst:getting bucked off and stepped on :-(

  15. I don't remember ever having a bad dream about horses. We had a mare that we got about 3 years before I was born. She had to be put down when I was 28 due to complications. She was pretty old. Somewhere around 40. I was very upset when she died. Our whole family was. She was our family's horse but was given to me when I was in 3rd grade. Me and my sisters all had our own horses. I rode her in Gymkana's, Jr. Rodeo's, Cattle pennings, pleasure riding, and more. She was like your all around horse. Anyway, after she died I missed her very much. I had a really nice dream that she was still here and that I was riding her again. I was hugging her. It seemed so real. When I was little I would go out in the pasture and just lay on her backwards with her rear as my pillow and almost fall asleep. We had many good times together. She was awesome!

  16. Best: Finding a true unity with horses

    Worst: Dying before getting on another horse

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