
What is the best and worst thing in your life at the moment?

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What is the best and worst thing in your life at the moment?




  1. BEST : Going on holiday with mates

    WORST : Spending to much time on the computer and wasting a lot of days away of these holidays

  2. Best: I like all my classes at school and made a lot of friends !

    Worst: The girl I really like deleted me from msn and I don't know why...

  3. Best: Going to university..first year

    Worst: All my friends leaving town to go to other universities.  

  4. Best: meeting cool people so far in college

    Worst: every job i want requires you to be 18, and i don't turn 18 till december... i guess worse things could happen though.

  5. Best thing is my family...worst thing is the government

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