
What is the best antioxident to use to prevent aging?

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eat and creams




  1. 100% Aussie T- tree and Chinese green tea

  2. One has to get to the root of the matter!! It is the decrease in hormones -testosterone,DHEA, etc, for a man and estrogen,progesterone etc. for a woman !!! Besides nutrition including vitamins etc... , exercise (vital ) and all the usual attempts at warding off "debilitating aging " -one must attack the decrease in hormones accompanying the progression of years!!!!!! There are GOOD anti-aging doctors to address THIS problem!!  It is one that has to be addressed or all other efforts will come to naught!!! And yes , the use of bio-identical hormones make the difference and can ward off debilitating aging!!!!!!

  3. Hi this is Connie, writing you about something new, I have just discovered that is wonderful: MiVitality Berry Radical Antioxidant; rich with anti-aging antioxidants,

    helps quench damaging free radicals in the body, and

    may slow processes associated with aging.

    Check it out at

    Good Luck!!  Connie

  4. Coenzyme Q10 200mg, has been shown to r****d ageing.

    Also drink lots of fresh organic fruit/vegetable juices, like freshly squeezed home-made orange juice, apple juice, apple/carrot juice {Gerson Therapy style}, Grape juice, ect.

    Also make Kefir, join the 'Yahoo Kefir Making Group', to obtain some Kefir Grains, and start making your own yoghurt drink, Kefir, at home. Add banana, raspberries, 2 tablespoons of virgin Coconut Oil, 2 tablespoons of Xylitol/sugar, a few ice cubes, to make a nice fruit/probiotic smoothie.

    Ageing, or wrinkles is due to lack of moisture, {not necessary dry}. My dermatologist told me, my oily skin {which is causing adult acne} means that i will age slower, and have fewer wrinkles, although i'd rather have no acne. Anyhow, moisurise your face with Almond Seed Oil, this is cheap and is used in many moisturisers {at very high prices}, use this before bed, massage into face, and on waking; Or use Virgin Cocconut Oil.

    Hope this helps.

  5. not sure what to eat or apply but i can tell you what helps to NOT consume...  Pop = bad.  Alcohol = bad.  Both of these take away from the hydration of your body.  Thirsty skin makes for eventually wrinkled skin.  So i guess there's one perfect source to help you out that's free: Water.  Keep your skin hydrated.

    Little known fact:  Most people confuse hunger with thirst.  Many times they will believe they are hungry when in fact they are actually thirsty.  Next time you feel a need to munch and snack, down a tall glass of water instead.

    Dihydrogen Monoxide FOR THE WIN!!!!

  6. eat; anything with vitamin e, and c. exotic berries are very high in them; acai berry, seabuckthorn berry, goji berry, as is green  and white tea. any fruit /vegie basically with a vibrant dark colour is loaded with antioxidants. and the best moisturizer (only use vegetable oils, these are the best) is seabuckthorn fruit/berry oil. (  pomegranate oil is also excellent

  7. try aloe vera products is very good and royal jelly supplements from bee products.

  8. Pomegranate Fruit Extract has proven anti-aging properties. It is a highly regarded fruit in ancient texts such as Quran, The Holy Bible and Vedic Texts. It has the highest anti-oxidant contents among all natural sources*. For further reference and articles please refer the source:


  9. It's not really possible to prevent aging. If you're alive, you age. That's it.

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