
What is the best appearence and interior layout of an insurance company?

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What is the best appearence and interior layout of an insurance company?




  1. Tall building/ office on a tall building. Interior can be like any bank office.

  2. The traditional competitors you've always known in your local target market are losing much to online remedies and will continue to do so without a face lift.  Purchasing online -- especially for the younger generations allows clients to move quickly, avoid a hard sales pitch, avoid sitting and talking with someone -- usually their dad's age in an office for an hour.  We go online and wam bam we're insured.  This is your competitor for the 21st century:  Online options.

    For an office to compete in an online sales climate you need to offer a similar experience, i.e. ease of use, no pressure, no "meeting."  I suggest a split set up utilizing both a counter similar to what you'd find at a car rental agency and a comfortable living room for waiting, reading and closing sales.  It should be hip, bright, quality, modern.  Get a website, brochures and business cards that model the colors and branding of your office.  Become a fresh, new brand and in your office, try to emulate the speed and ease of online sales.  

    Hire an attractive agent-in-training to work the counter, provide sodas, coffee and cable television and even a couple xboxes if people are going to be waiting.  If by chance you already have a website that can do online sales, set up a four or five station "Internet cafe" affair that allows me to purchase online and holler over my shoulder for help if need be.  

    Transition away from the traditional.  In general, clients are hungry for change and modernization.  We all want the futuristic 21st century we've been promised for 50 years and if you leverage that you will make bank just for your novelty value.  Maybe watch some futuristic movies to get some insight into color, shapes and textures.


    iPowerGRFX Web Design Studios

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