
What is the best bait to place on a rat trap?

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I have seen a rat in my garden and don't want them getting into the house or garage. Just in case I am thinking of putting a rat trap down.




  1. First off....


    It never did anything to you! Just get a humane trap and release the rat in the woods or in your most unliked neighbours garden! Lol kidding don't actually do that.

  2. My husband used peanut butter to attract it. Thats what the packaging said on the trap that we bought. It was a humane trap though. :o) he put a small amount of peanut butter inside the trap which has a flap and when the mouse/rat (whichever one it was) came to eat the peanut butter the flap simply pushed him in, my husband then took it with him to work and released him into the wild rather than back in the garden where he would have found a way back in!

    So i would recommend peanut butter.


  3. your mean it was in your garden where else do you want it to go?

  4. Odd as it sounds, some fruit and nut chocolate is a pretty good bait in my experience.

    Whenever I had rats or mice in the house in the past it was always the chocolate they went for if they could get it.

    Don't even bother with cheese - not even mice go for it particularly.

  5. If you were thinking of a trap that kills it, why not use a live trap? You can take it and release it. Or yell at it; it will soon learn not to come back and then you don't hurt it.

    You probably don't like it, but it's only an animal trying to get on with it's life, right? It may be wild, but it isn't really doing anything to harm you. You should use a live trap if possible. Please do, please don't kill it.

    And about your baby, it isn't in the house, right? Just make sure you lock the doors. And put a cardboard or paper printout of a cat outside, it will be afraid to come near!

    Good luck, and remember; it's only a rat! You're never more than 10 feet away from one anyway, so the only difference is that you can see this one. There's probably 5 more where that one came from nearby anyway. It's nice and kind and wont harm the rat if you use a live trap and set it free away from there.

  6. Put them in your house not in the garden that way it will only get caught when it gets in.  Oh and peanut butter becuase it has a really strong smell.

  7. Cheese

  8. if its in your garden then dont worry

    if they do actually get into your house then they wont go in any of your rooms, they will most probably go in the attic where your child will not go and then you can use a humane trap to catch it :)

    please note that as you posted this in the 'pet' section there are many people here that have pet rats (like myself) so its not a surprise that you are receiving hate from rat owners

    wild rats actually carry less diseases than pet dogs do- just a little fact i thought i'd share with you

  9. I've heard that the best bait is peanut butter. I don't think you'd need a rat trap, though. I've seen the occasional rat in my yard and have never had any rats in my house that weren't my pets. It's not really much to worry about. Just leave the rat alone.

  10. Cheddar cheese because it smells strong but is hard for them to get off the trap, so they get trapped.

  11. I was in your GARDEN! Leave the poor animal alone, its just getting on with its life and you want to kill it! Well I hope someday you tresspass on someone elses land and get shot for it!

    Im sorry I jumped to conclusions. So many people post questions about ways of killing rats I just assumed. Also if its in your garden you shouldnt really have to trap it and take it away, wild rats will stay away from humans as much as possible. If your not going to kill it then use a slice of pizza - my rats cant resist pizza!

  12. If you reali dont like rats the best thing to put down is cheese but a way of catching it alive is if you get a deep box/bucket and put ripped up tissue in it. put a ladder going up to it on the outside. And put a small chunk of cheese in the box/bucket. that way when the rat smells the cheese it will climb up the ladder and drop into the box and it cannot get out again.Once you have done this go to the nearest pet shop they'll know what to do!

  13. you will only attract rats and other animals, if you leave food lying around. leave the poor thing alone


    do not use the snap ones use the ones that r not harmfull i mean really wat has the rat ever done to u? went in ur gardon wow he's a rebel lol  they sell them at doller stores or pet shops if u go to a petstore just ask about a rat trap [one that doesn't harm the rat] i will try to fine out the name of the one my grandmother used but we threw it away but i can go down to the doller store and find out 4 u    it was purple and it was like a rectangle and its basicly like a mini cat trap they step on a peddle when there getting the food and the back closes  not harming the poor DEFENCLESS rat i had 2 pet rats they were albino they are not "disease ridden animals" there surprisingly really clean and will only not even bite basicly nibble on ur finger if u step on them or hurt them in any way no offence but if there is one then there is bound to be at least 10 more that u can see they live together and multiply fast so set some harmless traps and problem solved set them free in a nebiors yard :p    

    p.s-  wat dude has a garden and is afraid of a rat :P

    and as for the baby u said it was outside rite boo hoo ur baby see's a rat or enjoys playing wit it get over it  people dont die form seeing or touching a rat not even getting biten from one so suk it up

  15. peanut butter

  16. I would just leave it alone unless it gets in. Rats are pack animals and it no doubt has a nest with companions so killing one will get you nothing but bad karma. The rat is just looking for snacks in your garden.

  17. peanut butter!!!!!!! rats were in our rv, at least 20!!!!!! it was gross so we got trapps and but peanut butter and no more rats :)

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