
What is the best bank in calgary? I want to start a new account.

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What is the best bank in calgary? I want to start a new account.




  1. My preference would be Canadian Western.

  2. I am very happy with TD Canada Trust. They open late and on Saturdays. And I have always had good service from them.

  3. My cousin uses Royal bank, and they close around 3-4pm. I wouldn't  recommend royal.

    TD has user friendly hours.

  4. I think WELLS FARGO, for your information the below link

  5. I would start with Royal Bank, CIBC, Scotia Bank, Bank of Montreal.  They are the bigger branches and can offer more services than the banks that just started up a few years ago (like ATB).  Most of the above named branches are open late on Thurs evenings, later on Fridays and open on Saturdays.

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