
What is the best bedding in a duck house?

by Guest32102  |  earlier

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We have six Peking Ducks (Pets). We love them. Currently we are using shredded shavings. They are very messy. Any suggestions for cleaner safe bedding?




  1. I have 12 khaki Campbell's at present . .  and I know what you mean By they can be messy But there house should never be messy . . . and never has to be =)

    personally i use straw . . primarily because softwood shavings are very hard to get in big bales like i would need for my birds

    ( my ducks geese and chickens) so straw is more easier for me and is easy to get since i am out far in the country. . . and 3 big round bales last the year for me.

    But with young ducklings I use softwood shavings. . never paper

    (gives them no grip).

    so i would recommend for you either softwood shavings or straw.

    straw is clean . .  and lasts a good time .  . the same with the softwood shavings . .

    But remember the house must be cleaned out at least every week to keep a good clean hygienic environment for your ducks =)

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