
What is the best bedding to use for my rats?

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I stopped using Carefresh bedding and I decided to try a bedding by Kaytee that has mint leaves in the bedding. It smells divine! My room smells like mint! What other bedding would you guys suggest?




  1. aspen.  do NOT use pine or cedar-- they can cause respiratory problems in rats.  Aspen will not do this.

  2. My favorite is to line everything with fleece with absorbant material underneath, because it's the least smelly way to do it, it's best for the rat and it's reusable.  I use yesterday's news in a litter box, which my girls didn't even need training to use.  

    I also recommend carefresh, "comfort bedding" by Kaytee, and aspen.  Aspen can be hard to vaccum though.

  3. kaytee lavender bedding! it smells like a garden, right in yuor room.

  4. I think you should switch back to the Carefresh, but if you want it to look nicer, use the Carefresh Colors. It controls the smells for a long time. The Mint may be harmful to your rat. Or,

    use aspen.

  5. I have 2 rats, and as far as their respiratory system goes. Anything dust free should be fine. I forgot what I used but I got it at walmart. My rats are about 4 years old, so I guess Im doing something right because they usually live like 3 years tops.

  6. carefresh is the best (but expensive)..... aspen chips and sani-chips are also good.

  7. I would strongly recomend something that is un scented, the scent might be harmful to your rats.Aspen shavings are the best UNlike pine and cedar they do not release harmul fumes.What ever you do do not use something called fluff, it is VERY bad for your rats , or any rodent. I wouldn't but anythig manmade either, it is probly loaded up with chemicals. So again, aspen is best.

  8. Aspen chips are best.  While they keep the odor down, they don't add any aroma themselves, such as cedar does.

  9. I use yesterdays news for my rats. It works great and it never has any odor. I have 4 rats all in the same cage and I used to use carefresh but it would start to smell after 5 days. Since I have been using Yesterday's news I have never had any smell come from their cage and no mess like I would get from carefresh (My rats kick their litter out when their hiding their food)

    I clean my rats cage every week...That also helps to keep odor away.

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