
What is the best beer to drink to begin with?

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im 16 theresa party i am going to with people from my old school. theres goign to be beer, but ive never been to a party like this before. the host says that there wiill be beer, the ones they will have are, in england btw

san migeul

stella artouis




a difficult question but any help would be great thanks




  1. Is it legal to drink at that age in the UK?

    Assuming it is I would suggest Stella.  Very smooth with lots of rich flavor.  If you want to be a little adventurous then I would go with the Becks.  Considering you don't drink beer....if you never want to drink it ever again then drink the Guinness.

  2. start with becks or guiness

  3. So I take you never drank beer... I suggest you start with Becks, it's easier to drink. But try them all and decide yourself!

  4. a 16 yr old in england who hasnt been to a party like this before? Wow! if only more kids of today were like you!! Id drink carling x

  5. Skip the party and take another spelling and punctuation class.

  6. I'd go with the Stella personally, it's arguably the best/most well crafted beer on the list so drinking it won't skew your perception of beer like something like Becks or Carling may.  Here in the states for instance a lot of people "don't like beer" because the only thing they've ever had is Budweiser which is purely vile beer.  

    Guinness isn't bad, but it's not great either.  Lots of people have been turned on to the world of beer thanks to Guinness so you can't really hate on it.  It's a different beast though, the others are lagers while Guinness is a stout.  Stout is going to be far more rich and heavy in flavor than a lager.

    In England you have some fantastic beer.  I'd personally snag some Coniston's Bluebird Bitter XB or some local cask ale in a polypin but that's just me.

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