
What is the best beginner kayak?

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What is the best beginner kayak?




  1. First you have to decide what kind of kayaking you are going to do.  Are you going to paddle on the ocean, on lakes or on rivers?  Are you going to do overnight trips or day trips?  Flatwater or whitewater?

  2. That absolutely depends on where the beginner is paddling, and what s/he plans to do.

    For day tripping, or for river running, and whitewater kayak, you need a kayak that has waterproof compartments. These kayaks have a cockpit for the paddler to sit in.

    For ocean kayak, or flat water kayaking, you can use the open sit-upon kayaks (unless you are tripping, in which case you'll need the compartmentalized kayaks). The ocean kayaks are easier to use, as they are almost impossible to tip. The cockpit kayaks require learning special techniques for getting out of the boat when it rolls, and getting back in, in the water.

    If you're planning on using the traditional cockpit kayak, it's a good idea to invest in a few lessons, so you will know how to comport yourself safely, and get maximum enjoyment from your canoe.

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