
What is the best boarding school in the US to go to for high school?

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I'm thinking about going to boarding school but I'm not sure which boarding school to go to. Does anyone have any recommendations? I need the school to be in the US. That's the only request. Thanks!




  1. the best boarding schools are the ones that you feel at home at. just because its a good school by SAT doesn't mean it is. boarding school isn't all that great, But it does have its ups.

  2. Generally, Andover and St. Paul's are regarded as the two best and most prestigious boarding schools in the US.  That said, the two are different in many ways, most notably in regard to student body size  (Andover has one of the largest student bodies and St. Paul's one of the smallest).  As I assume this will be your first time away from home, you may enjoy the feeling of a smaller, more intimate community, however a larger school has many benefits should you be more comfortable in such a setting.  These include a greater variety of courses to choose from, many more student organizations, and of course more opportunities to make friends.  

    Many people regard St. Paul's as a more conservative school, and certain traditions such as requiring semi-formal attire at dinners seem to fuel this perception.  Andover, as the oldest high school in the US, still maintains many of its traditions but today is regarded as one of the most liberal top-tier boarding schools, with no dress code, one of the most diverse student bodies, many opportunities to study abroad, etc.

    Both schools are very strong in sports, so if you are an athlete you would find either school an excellent choice.

    In the end, most of the top boarding schools will provide you with a great high school experience, but should you be lucky enough to be admitted to one of these two, your next four years may be some of the best of your life.

  3. There is really no best school, it is all based on your needs. But there are many that rank high in the SAT score section.

    The highest are:

    Phillips Exeter Academy

    St. Paul's School


    Hill School

    Peddie School

    Stevenson School

    Lawrenceville School

    They all have upper level(high school)

    You can find more of these schools at

  4. The members of the Ten Schools Admissions Organization are collectively the academic elite in the country. They are basically the Ivy League of boarding schools. This includes: Choate, Deerfield, Hill, Hotchkiss, Lawrenceville, Loomis Chaffee, Andover, Exeter, St. Paul's, and Taft. However, Andover and Exeter are the twin rivals that are generally considered to be the best in the country. Phillips Andover, founded by Samuel Phillips, Jr., is the oldest in the country and its alumni include both Bush presidents, Samuel Morse, and Oliver Wendell Holmes, et al. Phillips Exeter, which was founded by Samuel Phillips' uncle 3 years later, has the highest endowment of any mainland American secondary school (at just over $1 billion). Traditionally, Andover's students would go to Yale and Exeter's to Harvard, but today their students go almost everywhere. It's hard to rank one over the other, but it's quite easy to consider them the top in the nation. So they would be considered "the best". For more info on the member schools go here:

    But, if you're not into the academic elite schools, than there are many, many others to choose from. But, I would stick to looking at schools in New England, they tend to be where the best of all types of boarding school are, academic or not. Without your specifying of any of your interests, goals, etc. it's hard to recommend any one boarding school, or even a group of boarding schools. So with no further information available on what you are exactly looking for, I think Boarding School Review is your new best friend. You can specify exactly what you want in a boarding school and it will list all of those that fill your criteria. Here's the website:

    Boarding school is a great experience where you will experience many things and make lifelong friends. Best of luck.

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