
What is the best body type for sprinting?

by Guest34108  |  earlier

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What is the best body type for sprinting?




  1. muscular... the more muscle.... the BETTER

  2. Sprinters are fast twitch/power athletes.  Typically this means shorter and more muscular.  Shorter because shorter muscles are better designed for power.  This is one of the reasons why gymnasts are shorter.  Usain Bolt though is 6' 5" so it is not a universal law.  Also, sprinters tend to be big.  They are looking to put as much power into the ground with each step that they can.  There is little body fat.  At the muscle fiber level, they are going to have a higher percentage of fast twitch (Type II) muscle fibers.

    Hope it helps!

  3. Well i heard my cousin that he found this picture i hope it helps u.

  4. any body type can be a good sprinter.

    but normally the people with very muscular legs and body are sprinters.

    while people with skinny legs and body are long distance.

  5. their is no body type you can be buff or just lean but as long as you can run it its good

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