
What is the best book that a teen in high school to read, that would give them alot of knowledge?

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I want a book that would encourage learning, knowlege and success, what would be a good book for my child to read?




  1. the dictionary

  2. Wow - I don't think theres really any single book that would be considered the ultimate compendium of learning and success. Try looking at a few (either at the library or online) to see what would appeal the most to your child. This is a really short list, but perhaps it might give you some ideas:

    How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci - Michael J. Gleb

    The Art of Learning - Josh Waitkin

    The Teen Liberation Handbook - Grace Llewellyn

    The 7 Habits of highly Effective People - Stephen Covey

    Good Luck to you!

  3. Whatever book it is, they have to find it on their own.

  4. The Bible

    After that "The Well Educated Mind" and all the books that book suggests.

  5. encyclopedias...mmmm..britanica is g ud

  6. There isn't one single book. Being educated means going over LOTS of stuff, and repeatedly.

    As for a book that might help encourage success and learning, try "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens."

  7. The Bible.

  8. As a Christian, and a home school mom, I would first recommend the Bible, it is the book of wisdom, and life.

    There is no better book of knowledge ever written, or printed.

    That being said, there are a multitude of books, for as we know learning, knowledge, and wisdom comes from many sources.

    I will give you two web sites that have book list long enough for a life time of reading, but if I personally would recommend a few books, they would be the following:

    Teenage Liberation Handbook;

    For government, and other social teachings/opinion; and many may disagree with us on these; we use several books written by P.J. O'Rourke, depending on your sense of humor, and what side of the isle you are on politically we find these to be good reading.

    Check Amazon, or Barnes & Noble, he has written several books.

    Then there are several books by Edward Hays, three I personally like are The Ladder, (0-939516-46-2) Holy Fools & Mad Hatters, (0-939516-18-7) and The Ethiopian Tattoo Shop (0-939516-06-3).

    All of these are written in a parable form but are very different in writing style. I recommend these for a teen who can read at a deeper level, and understand such.

    Book lists.

    A book for parents of teens that is pretty good is:

    Homeschooling the Teen Years, by Cafi Cohen ISBN 0-7615-2093-7

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