
What is the best book you ever read?

by Guest62985  |  earlier

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what's the title and if you know the author, and what genre is it?




  1. I am sure your going to have a lot of these but I would have to say the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer


    New Moon


    Breaking Dawn

    It is fantasy but it is still amazing one of the best series I would say in the world I would recommend it to anyone over the age of 11 because some of it is not for younger children to read

  2. the Twilight Series by Stephanie Myer


    New Moon


    Breaking Dawn

    The books are about a girl who meets a family of vampires and falls in love with one. It's not just about vampires it's a love story. Even if you don't like reading about vampires, if you like love stories, these books are a must.

  3. The Bible.

  4. I have to perfect site for you. It has a list of great books and series. It gives a review without any spoilers and all the books are in groups according to their genre. ex: Fantasy, romance, fiction etc...

    here it is

    my favourite book is probably Eragon, the site tells you all you need to know about it.

  5. Twilight Saga By Stephenie Meyer - Romance/Signification

    plz sign

    Save Midnight Sun

  6. The Mists of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley


  7. Hamlet.

  8. way of the peaceful warrior by dan millman

  9. the harry potter series. the eragon series. the artemis fowl series.. LOL anything fantasy

  10. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling


  11. To Kill A Mockingbird  

  12. Gone With the Wind

    Margaret Mitchell

    Historical Fiction/Romance

  13. Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin-fantasy

    The pigman-Paul Zindel.

  14. Candide by Voltaire.  It's a philosophical discussion disguised as a dirty folktale.

  15. East of Eden -Steinbeck -Fiction

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