
What is the best boxing techniques for like a fight anywhere?

by Guest64866  |  earlier

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i wanna know because when im going 2 like movies for example and i see guys that dont like me or w.e they start pushing me and c**p and i always say im not goin 2 fight i back down but i want 2 stop that you kno?




  1. Boxing is a dead sport for a reason. Start watching UFC and TapOut and all that. That is some serious fighting that will help you with any kind of fight. Some of the best to mention would be Uriah Faber, Chuck Liddell, and Kimbo Slice. YouTube some of those guys fights and it will help you become the guy that other people are backing down from.

  2. Well I believe boxing is one of the most effective self defense there is. Even Bruce Lee said that the combiantions of boxing and wrestling can defeat any foe.

    It's clever that you choose to back down from kicking a guys ***, but when they do start to get in your face, I believe that Straight punches/ counter punches are one of the most important techniques in boxing against blokes that can only brawl. It's good to get the experience in sparring too, and try to get more confidence in yourself since anything can happen during a real brawl.

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