
What is the best brand of volleyball kneebads?????

by  |  earlier

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I am gonna get them tomorrow so i need to know NOW!!!!




  1. asics are the best.

  2. get mizuno...great support on the top of you knee and the sides...also VERY comfortable!

  3. Well, "get them tomorrow" means you may not have the option to order it from the internet.

    That would force you to a sports good store that has the inventory.

    I would recommend you go with Mizuno VS-1 first. If it is not available, try nike dri-fit that has three sections (instead of the one with one piece of bulky foam).

    Asics would almost always be available everywhere, just be careful that you don't want to buy any Asics that is too bulky.

  4. You should go there and try a bunch on so that you find one that you like and that are comfy.

    Personaly i like the Nike one

  5. nike dri-fit skinny don't get the ones with the shell looking pad they mess up your knees 17.99

  6. Mizunos definitely, my volleyball team is switching from Asics to Mizunos b/c the coach said its the best volleyball brand. My whole team is wearing Mizunos

  7. i'm not that experienced, this is my first year but i just bought nike dry fit skinny kneepads. they're pretty tight and keep you cool.

  8. Nike.

  9. Asics

  10. I've had Oasics for 4 years and there still holding up. They are great. I would definitely go with Oasics.

  11. i asked this question too, so check out the responses on mine if you need more opinions. :];...

    i'm in the same situations so...:P

  12. Mizuno kneepads are really good. used them for years =)

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