
What is the best breed dog for me?

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i need a female puppy that is good for apartment living and warm conditions. A lot of others have said yorkies are good but are very yappy and tartar infectioned. plz help! what breed should i get?




  1.      I had a Rat Terrier that was an absolute genius. She looked just like Wishbone on PBS and she could break down and understand complex sentences like nobodies business. I could ask her if she wanted to go for a walk and then tell her if she did to go and get the leash and tell my room-mate she wanted to. She would run to the kitchen, get the leash, and then beg ny room-mate to take her! Her name was Noodles and she was the greatest Dog that ever lived. I'm a better person for knowing and loving her...Just spend good quality time with the dog you choose, and you cannot go wrong. Love is the operative word with dogs.

  2. i think a pomarain is a good dog for you, they are good in warm condisans, and they are exalent in apparments as long as the get out for a walk or 2 a day, you just need to make sure you walk him\her... trust me i am a pround owner of a pomarain my self.... good luck  

  3. i think a pomeranian is suitable for you because they are not yappy, they are good for warm conditions, and their size is suitable for apartment living. trust me, i own 2

  4. I would say a Small mixed breed from a shelter is the best, they have the least problems I recc get a yound dog that you can train, Pure breeds do tend to have more problems, you can also use put in all your wants in a dog and your area and they will show you online all the different dogs. PLEASE, PLEASE NEVER get a dog DEBARKED, It is so inhumane and whoever does so should have there vocal choards cut up also!. SORRY

  5. A Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

    A fox terrier (Probably not a good idea)

    You can get dogs debarked. I am currently looking after two bichons who have been debarked, and they look stupid when they attempt to bark.

    I'd say Bichon Frise actually,

    They have wool, instead of fur. Don't need much care really. And don't smell if bathed every 1-2 weeks. :) Don't eat much. and don't need to be walked. ;)

  6. this is a comment to one of the answers.

    i dont like debarking dogs.  you remove their way to communicate!!! it would be like taking out our 'voice box' so we cant talk to each other or anything like that. debarking is not something i like.  

  7. maybe a maltese dog or yorkie or pug or go to this site and take a dog breed selector test

  8. a chihuahua

    a yorkie

    a pomeranian

    or a pom

  9. a pug is a good choice!

    they are indoor dogs and don't bark to much but when they do its just a lil tiny yelp so its like their not barking!

    hope this helps

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