
What is the best browser?

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What is better to use on a PC - Internet Explorer 7, Firefox or Safari 3.1? Like which one had better safety, more faster and portected you the most against spyware etc? I was thinking because Mac's have Safari and Mac's dont get many viruses/spyware that Safari would be my best bet maybe.

But thanks for all the help!




  1. firefox

  2. Well mozilla is good

    Safari don't use that

    I use Opera its the best one i use

  3. Just having one browser only because you will get confused having about 10 different browsers

  4. firefox!!!!!

  5. I'm an Opera fan! Try Opera, it may not be as fast as Mozilla but I barely get hijacked! Trust me! it s the most secure! Mozilla Firefox 3+ plainly sucks!

  6. Mozilla Firefox 2.0 is abslutely spyware tight. Internet Explorer is a sieve against spyware. But I'll tell you something. If you download Firefox it'll work for a while and then Internet Explorer will stick its nose in, like Microsoft always does, and this beautifulFirefox Brrowser will be ruined. I downloaded Firefox and loved it, then 2 monts later all kind of things happened I couldnt understand...when I went to email I got my Yahoo mail but Intaernet Explorer buted in and threw up another window with Windows Mail email in my face. If I went to a Search, Firefox wold take me to a sight and Internet Explorer would butt in and try taking me somewhere else. If I hit the U key on my keyboard, I'd wind up in M y Computer. etc etc...Bottom Line ? ...No matter what you do. Microsoft has always got to stick its beak in and ruin everthing. .. Of you download Firefoc you will wind up like me... Uninstalling it because Internet Explorer will butt in and ruin the whole system . Since I Uninstalled Firefox none of these things happen and Internet Explorer has the run of it...and Intrnet Explorer, along with Windows Vista and Windows Defrag and everything else that is Microsoft, is GARBAGE.....FUCKIGN GARBAGE  !!!

  7. Asking what is the best browser is much like asking "What is the best religion?" Emotions run very high in what at first glance might seem to be a purely technical discussion.

    However, despite the emotional overtones, there are many areas of comparison which can be evaluated dispassionately.

    Every web browser is made up of two major components, a rendering engine and a user interface. Selecting the right rendering engine for your needs and matching it with the right user interface for your needs can point you to the right web browser.

    The Best Browser Rendering Engine

    The leading rendering engines are:

        * Trident

        * Gecko

        * KHTML

        * WebCore

        * Presto


    Trident is the rendering engine used by Microsoft Internet Explorer. Trident is also used by Avant Browser and SlimBrowser. In addition, Trident is one of the rendering engines supported by the Netscape Browser.


    Gecko is the rendering engine used by Mozilla Firefox. Gecko is also utilized by Camino, Epiphany, and K-Meleon. In addition, Trident is one of the rendering engines supported by the Netscape Browser.


    KHTML is the rendering engine utilized by Konqueror. KHTML was the base used by Apple to develop the WebCore rendering engine.


    WebCore is the rendering engine used by Apple's Safari browser.


    Presto is the rendering engine utilized by the Opera web browser.

    The Best Rendering Engine

    Of all of these rendering engines, only two compete for the top spot -- and on very different terms.

    Rendering Engine Standards Compliance

    The Gecko rendering engine is considered the leader as far as compliance with W3C standards is concerned.

    Rendering Engine Real World Performance

    Microsoft's Trident rendering engine currently dominates the worlds desktop computers. Because of this, the vast majority of web pages on the Internet are designed for the Trident engine.

    This is where things get a bit sticky. Because Trident is not standards compliant, a large number of web pages are designed not to be standards compliant either -- instead, they are Microsoft compliant.

    The question is: Which is more important to you, standards compliance or real world performance?

    The Best User Interface

    User interface is largely a matter of personal preference. Some web browsers implement their own user interface and maintain that interface across all of the platforms they support. Mozilla Firefox is one browser in this category. Often these browsers can be "skinned" to give them a custom look-and-feel to meet each users preference.

    Other web browsers are designed to closely emulate the look and feel of the platform upon which they are running. If you are familiar with the native interface of your desktop environment and you are pleased with that interface, you may wish to use a web browser which closely mimics that interface.

    If your user interface is... ... you might consider this web browser

    Microsoft Windows K-Meleon

    Gnome Epiphany

    KDE Konqueror

    MacOS Safari

    Unless you have specific interface preferences, your will most likely be better served by the Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer browsers.

    Specific Web Browser Recommendations by OS

    For most Microsoft Windows users, Mozilla Firefox is an excellent choice -- but Internet Explorer should be installed for those web pages which are not standards compliant.

    On the Macintosh and under Unix/Linux, Mozilla Firefox is most likely your best choice in browsers.

  8. Mozilla Firefox

  9. I use all 3, but I like to use Firefox because you can save your passwords and usernames, which I like so I don't have to retype them all the time.

  10. Firefox gives you more protection than Internet Explorer, though i've never used Safari so i can't give you an opinion about that.

  11. Well, I like Firefox the best.  The Safari that runs on windows is still a windows program and has issues with security.  The great thing about Firefox is that you can add extensions such as Adblock, flashblock, and no script that makes your browser much safer.

  12. Maxthon!

  13. thanks to the IE app for firefox, Modzilla Firefox is now the best, any site that needs to be rendered in Internet Explorer, can be rendered in mozilla with the click of a butten. Mozilla is the best security wise, customizible wise, and ease to use. I have never had a problem, and i haven't had a virus since i got it!

  14. modzilla

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