
What is the best business college you could possibly go too? ?

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Ex: Like Harvard is law and so fourth.




  1. UT Austin has a business school on a level all on its own. Its considered to be the elite amongst business schools in America.

  2. PENN STATE, hands down.

  3. bapson, whorton, wake forest. if you're not quite at that level, penn state, bentley. also you cant apply to certain schools as a different less competitive major and then switch it. my friend did that for villanova, she knew she wouldnt get into their business program so she applied to their engineering (women are needed in engineering so it looks good) and she got in and switched out.  

  4. as of business week

    Penn State is the best business college

  5. Best business schools (Ranked in 2008)

    1. Harvard University

    2. Stanford University

    3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)

    4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)

    5. Northwestern University (Kellogg)

  6. University of Penn is the best in the nation

    Others include: University of Michigan Ann Arbor, UT Austin, Northwestern, NYU, MIT, Berkley...

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