
What is the best business to start in jamaica?

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i am planning on moving to jamica and i wana know what type of business is good food clothing or housing and i am in the trelawny area if anyone has any iedas or wat sort e-mail me




  1. i'd say clothing and food. depends on where in trelawny though, falmouth could do with some more clothes shops seriously!

  2. a clothing business,or a cook shop.

  3. pot....

  4. cant go wrong. The restaurant should be either rustic or very nice/elegant, no in-betweens, too many of those, BUT the price must be affordable to ALL. If the food tastes good you wont have to spend a penny advertising. On that side of the island things start to get pricey because of tourists naturally, but if you do your research and can purchase directly from the farmers and keep prices down, you cant lose. Faith's Pen is by the road-side and each vendor does extremely well. I have never seen an ad but everyone knows them. And since you're relocating make sure to ask for recommendations for a good COOK and pay him/her well.

    Trelawny doesn't have a market at this time to service one clothing store however large. It is easier to go to Mo Bay where there is variety in stores, items, sizes etc. Moreover people's tastes differ for clothes. You would have to be prepared tons of money tied up in stagnant inventory. Remember you are going into this to make money!

  5. The best business to start in Jamaica has always been one that is not quite legal but not yet illegal. In otherwords, find something that the governement hasnt banned as yet but will probably ban when they catch on...example:

    1. Cash Plus Investment Scheme

    2. Olint

    3. World Wise

    4. Illegal Cable TV

    5. Long distance phone calls (before C&W got an 'exclusive' license)

    An example of a good idea that hasnt been banned? Try to smuggle in some kind of 'alternative' power generation equipment like solar power or wind power. Resell the cheap power to your rural nieghbours for a flat fee of JA$1500 per month. Terms include no refund during rainy season, on cloudy days, or when there is no wind.

    If you are into animals, you could start a biogas electricity plant and resell that just as well. I am sure your cows will give you enough sh*t to keep you going for a long time.  

    The key is to give ghetto people (low income housholds) a way to beat the system. Once you do that you will be rich sooner rather than later.

  6. I am interested in starting my own business in Jamaica as well! I was thinking about going back to school for ultrasound,then trying to open up my own private practice.Pregnant women and other people in general can always use medical facilities I am sure!The medical field is just as viable as the food and tourist industry!

  7. I suggest staying away from textiles, prostitution (not kidding), drug sales, produce sales and tour guiding.  All of those sectors are filled to the max right now.  Also starting a bar is kind of out of the question, since there is one every three miles on average @ the north side of the island.  Anything else is fair game.

    For some reason, I really think making a flea market would be a good idea.  Land is cheap there (about $15,000 USD for a home), and buying a lot and putting stalls in would be cheap.  Charge vendors to rent out a stall for the day.  It would be low maintenance and it would help with tourism.

    On that note--think tourism.  You want to serve the tourists coming from the all inclusives.  They come from all over the island--mo bay, fallmouth, negril, ochos rios, etc. etc.  The locals don't have much money, but the foreigners do.  Trelawny is pretty shaggy, so heads up.  Make friends quick.

    Good luck!

  8. Clothing, if you can keep your prices competitive but since you are in that area you can perhaps look into something more touristey, but something that there is not too much of. Invent some kind of tour or something.

    Also, Get a big house and rent some of the rooms during major events like Sumfest and Air J Jazz... you can't lose.

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