
What is the best car battery i can get to run all of this stuff but only one battery no back ups?

by  |  earlier

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i have a chevy cavalier with two 2000w amps, 4 1000w subs, 80w speakers in two doors and two 40w speakers in the dash. Plus under glow all around my car and on the inside. My battery doesn't last very long i need the best battery there is.




  1. a new good battery wont solve ur problem, u need a new alternator like the guy above said

    if ur system is above 1200 watts RMS you need a new alternator runing at a 100 amps recomended

  2. YOu need a new alternator - not just a battery.

    Most alternators put out just 70 amps (70 amp x 12 volt = 840 watt).  That 840 watt has to power EVERYTHING (headlights, fans, etc.)

    So your alternator is woefully deficient.

    Good Luck...

  3. That's a lot of power.  You're going to need an H.O. (High Output) alternator.

    Check these sites is a good reference.

    This site explains the "BIG 3" upgrades.

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