
What is the best car dealership to work for in the Charolotte, Lake Norman area?

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Where is the best place to live in this area keeping in mind that good schools and low crime areas are important to us.




  1. If you are in sales, the best dealership to work for is the one whose cars are selling.  That's not a joke.  The automobile industry has been starving because of the run-up in gas prices.  If people aren't coming in the door, you can't earn a living selling them cars.

    So I don't care how nice the Hummer dealer treats its employees; their vehicles don't sell right now.  Honda sales are up.  Toyota is flat.  GM is mostly flat or slightly down.  Ford is down.  Chrysler is in the tank.  Bottom line:  Look first toward Honda and Toyota dealers, then GM (Buick and Chevy rather than Pontiac or Cadillac).

    Good luck!!

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