
What is the best car for the environment?

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like hybrids or electric??




  1. An electric streetcar. Public transit is the way to go.

  2. Honda is coming out with a hydrogen fuel cell powered car soon.  It will be available only in certain states, such as California, but it will be completely pollution-free unless some pollution is generated by the process of extracting the hydrogen.


    Hey, I won't dispute the point that walking is better for the environment, but that wasn't the question.  It was, "What is the best CAR for the environment?", and unless someone starts making a solar powered car it's hard to beat fuel cells.

  3. Buy used!  I will tell as some one that agrees "pollution is bad" not for the AGW argument.  A new car adds an awesome amount of pollution to the environment.  A Prius' net lifetime pollution is close to that of an SUV because of all the new and unique manufacturing processes it takes to make it.  For now the best you can do  is to buy a used Hybrid or very economical gasoline/diesel car depending on your driving needs.  If you do a lot of Highway driving I would recommend one of Volkswagon's high mileage diesels you could even have it adjusted to burn bio-diesel if you feel really bad about the ash content in diesel.  However it sounds like you do not have a lot of experience with cars so you might want to stick with fuel from a pump.  There are also many regular gas cars that get about 40mpg highway, they are very good choices.  If you do a lot of stop and go and city driving then a hybrid may be the car for you.  Once again, you will add less pollution to the planet and its atmosphere by buying used.  The hybrid gets better mileage in the city where it can regain power from the stops. Electric is hard right now because there are no major manufacturers making them and they will restrict your distance.  If this is not a problem you can get a car from some companies that convert them, there are even a couple of companies that make solar panels if you want to really feel good. Make sure what ever you drive, that you keep it properly maintained as this will helps is emissions and mileage ratings.

    Well Richard her ya go:

    Like I used! Maybe Richard mised the point of my post? A used economical toyota with regular engine will contribute less pollutants to our environment than any new car that has to be made. I recomended an economical car not a SUV his Prius may get 50 mpg in the city, that just proves what I said, but if you do a lot of highway/counrty driving a hybrid is not the most economical car.

    lol...your link is no more credible than mine Richard. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings with the Prius jab, it was so much more personal than calling someone out. You must be very sensitive to the fact you are not as eco-friendly as you wanted to be when you bought the car off the showroom floor. I can imagine the horror at the thought all the coal ash, mercury, and heavy meatals released into the environment  to make that semi-answer to our problems.

  4. Both hybrids and electric cars draw almost all of their power from fossil fuels.  Whether it is gasoline in the car or coal at the power plant.  The electric is a little better because not all electric power is generated from fossil fuels (i.e, solar, hydroelectric, wind).  Hydrogen fuel cell cars will soon be available to the masses.  These would be even better for the environment.  Every form of transportation, other than walking, takes some toll on the environment whether it be from the manufacturing process or the actual use of the vehicle.

  5. electric

  6. Hydrogen .


  7. I would have to say electric. As long as the electricity came from 'green' sources.

  8. Currently, the best car out there is the Toyota Prius. I achieved an average of 55 mpg (last year). The Prius uses gasoline, but is more efficient, because it also uses regenerative braking to assist in charging the recyclable batteries. At operating temperature, it will shut the combustion engine off while stopped, and can be driven up to 40 mph with the required battery power.

    Don't believe anyone who states the Prius is worse than any large SUV. It's simply wrong and disingenuous to say (Stinky Badger).

    EDIT - I didn't miss any part of STINKY'S post. I was responding to his jibe at the Prius. And your dust-to-dust studies are BS. That was what my post showed. For example, the study estimates the hummer lifespan of 300,000 miles while only using 100,000 miles for the Prius. 100,000 miles is what the battery warranty is, but go and find out how many batteries have failed from the million Prius' on the road.

    I am confident in the fact that I am being eco-friendly. There are no feelings hurt here, but I won't suffer fools lightly. It's common to attack an idea better than yours and I realize that. Don't feel bad, you must be good at something.

  9. Walking or taking a bike is truly the best thing for the enviroment. I am of course saying this just for trips down the street or just a few blocks away. I don't expect you to ride a bike to some where 50 miles away. Just remember that with even the best car those little trips can add up.

  10. Depends on the use.  No freeway, commute up to about 10 miles - a bike.  Too far?  An electric Zap will do that and a little more, recharging in the evening.  Other electrics are out there with greater range and speed - see  For longer than 100 mile trips, a hybrid works well.  The attraction of fluid fuels is the relatively quick refilling on multi-tank trips compared to recharging batteries.  What you may be asking is whether a hybrid id cleaner than a plug in electric.  I believe the electric wins due to the better exhaust scrubbers that can be put on a stationary power plant, compared to what can be put on a car.

  11. Fred Flint-stone vehicle would be the Top Environment car of the century

  12. The Electric Car. most efficient for all those short runs to the store, coffee shop etc. check out the web site provided.

  13. Hummer.

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