
What is the best card game in america right now?

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what is the best card game in america like yu-gi-oh and/or pokemon.




  1. Shadowfist!  It is the best multiplayer CCG ever printed.  It combines great rules and cards with an entertaining storyline of time-traveling kung fu masters, gun-totin' techies, ancient demons, and cyborg monkeys fighting for control of powerful feng shui sites.    

    It is also one of the oldest CCGs still in print.  A new set "Empire of Evil" is coming out this year.

  2. i vote hold  em.

  3. YUGIOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. well the best is chaotic they have a website too you have to down load the pad so u can battle millions of people online you can buy cards at walmart, kmart and toysRus ok my name on chaoticgame is imthebest30 good luck

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