
What is the best career for big money ?

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just wondering which way i should go if im looking forward for getting big money .

graphic design ? interier design ? movie directing ? Vet ?

what kind of job ? and where is the best place for success?




  1. You can get great jobs from anywhere or whatever goal you have in life. Money sometimes comes from hardwork, and sometimes comes from an idea or talent you possess.

    I'd ask myself: Discover an inner talent in you i.e. be it writing, sporting, designing, artistic work,  teaching, or anything else. Love what you enjoy as well as making the fruits of life.

    Money will come eventually after you build your reputation with the skill you possess. I'm sure there's a magical skill in you. All you have to do is sit down, write all your ideas on paper and find that talent :)

    Hope this helps.

  2., doctor, CEO..........Harvard is probably the best school to choose from.

    plz answer:;...

  3. Most American millionaires get their money by owning their own business.  check out the book "the Millionaire next door" and the website for more information on careers and starting your own buisness  

  4. It sounds like you are very creative and like animals.  All of those career sound great and i think that they all earn reasonably about the same amount. But the big thing is that you gotta pick wich one is going to make you the happiest, because if your stuck in a job that you hate, the money cant be worth it, if you have to spend half of your day, doing something you hate.  Think about the pros and cons of each and then pick one and go for it!

    good luck!

  5. Movie Director

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